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Questions related to Evolutionary Biology
I'm currently looked for any phylogenies on Pan and/or Gorilla Y-chromosome. I've managed to locate a few phylogenies for Pan on using mtDNA (such as Stone et al., 2010; Bjork et al., 2011), but...
10 October 2015 4,122 3 View
I am working with a model provided by the Lancaster Environment Centre and am looking for real-world instances. The model (I apologise for not providing the mathematical basis on here, however I...
10 October 2015 4,309 7 View
Please provide the reference.
10 October 2015 3,552 4 View
I am searching for good song recordings of African Reed Warblers. The longer the better. Or maybe somebody works near the habitat of these birds and it's not a big deal to record several minutes...
10 October 2015 4,932 7 View
evolutionary biology
09 September 2015 2,108 1 View
I have an observation and a correlation that is strong enough to present in a preliminary and semi-quantitative form before the full study ends. If one calculates the distance in nucleotides...
21 August 2015 2,979 2 View
I want to do a RNAseq analysis of Papilio.glaucus and now we have the sequences from 12 samples. I need a reference if I want to use Cufflinks/Tophat2. Should I merge my own transcriptome...
18 August 2015 4,231 5 View
I just read M.D.Gumert 2012 AJPA 149:447-457 "Marine prey processed with stone tools by Burmese long-tailed macaques": coastal macaques regularly use stone tools, and concluding: "In terms of...
08 August 2015 5,725 0 View
08 August 2015 3,370 2 View
08 August 2015 2,976 6 View
Registration for the workshop "Cancer Evolution through Space and Time" is still open until the end of July. The workshop will take place September, 21st - 25th, at the Max Planck Institute for...
07 July 2015 4,080 0 View
Hello everybody, I'm a first year PhD student on evolutionary biology. As I work on the karyotyping of a species of earthworm, I would like to know if there is a software designed for this, cause...
20 April 2015 9,984 22 View
Hi all, I am trying to use SPAGEDI v 1.5 to compare RST and FST statistics by pRst. However, the manual is not helpful on how I can compute these calculations. Would anyone know what steps to...
08 April 2015 4,534 2 View
04 April 2015 9,626 24 View
Is there any example of a non-functional (or accidentally functional) gene or protein. I mean is there any report about a DNA sequence that encode a protein (or any other molecular product)...
04 April 2015 676 0 View
04 April 2015 8,258 2 View
I want to find patterns of relatedness in my data: presence/absence of known mutation.
04 April 2015 6,895 8 View
Alan Wilson and colleagues in 1987 famously showed that the amino acid sequence of lysozyme had converged to be the same in the cow and in a leaf-eating monkey, so that molecular phylogeny based...
03 March 2015 7,017 8 View
Often it looks like phenotypic plasticity provides individuals a chance to survive in the wild. Individuals with plastic traits may be more successful than non-plastic ones? If so, is this a...
03 March 2015 9,230 16 View
I have allele frequency and geneotypic frequency data of allozymes in natural populations of Drosophila. By using these data, how can i calculate selective sweep?
03 March 2015 5,822 5 View
I have a list of species. I would like to get lineage information for each of them i.e. genus, family, class, order and phylum. How can I automate the search, as I have around 2000 species?
03 March 2015 2,774 3 View
I am currently studying MHC IIb in fish, yet can't seem to find literature that clearly delineates the homologue in humans (HLA). HLA is better characterized, but still it seems as if there are...
03 March 2015 8,883 3 View
The paper of Wodniok et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11:104 states the latter, do you know any new studies on this matter?
19 February 2015 10,063 3 View
I need to analyze a population which samples contains offrpring and parental individuals whose sexes are unknown. Reporting to the "user's guide" provided in the colony package folder, I chose to...
13 February 2015 2,256 2 View