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Questions related to Evolutionary Biology
It has been hypothesised, that our observations of the comparison between lower plants and higher plants, for example, might suggest that evolution of diploidy may have been the necessary...
12 February 2015 8,608 7 View
I need to analyze a population which samples contains offrpring and parental individuals whose sexes are unknown. Reporting to the "user's guide" provided in the colony package folder, I chose to...
02 February 2015 6,746 2 View
02 February 2015 6,281 8 View
I have PCA data (first two axes) for which I want to determine a way to account for this variation between some "groups" ("group", which can be represented with ordihull polygons). Is there a way...
02 February 2015 7,224 4 View
02 February 2015 1,495 3 View
We proposed a new hypothesis about the mechanism how mothers in birds regulate the sex of their offspring. To verify the hypothesis, we need to elaborate a method that allows us to detect male and...
05 January 2015 7,716 6 View
Medical doctors face/treat many human diseases/handicaps for which we assume they do not occur in wildlife populations. For instance, evolutionary biologists might claim that handicapped/sick...
02 January 2015 4,756 65 View
The mosaic distribution of Bov-B LINEs in mammals indicates horizontal transfer. I wonder if a snakebite can explain the cross-species transfer from reptiles to mammals.
01 January 2015 9,259 5 View
01 January 2015 9,239 7 View
01 January 2015 9,899 66 View
Actually I am rephrasing a notion of Jonathan Losos in the book 'The Princeton Guide to Evolution' (PUP,2013), in which he states that "[T]he ability of a single genotype to produce different...
01 January 2015 9,731 11 View
I am looking for a book that is introductory in terms of mathematics, yet does not hesitate to go into detail after a nice introduction, while advanced on the evolutionary aspect. Thank you.
16 December 2014 7,521 15 View
12 December 2014 5,246 15 View
I'm trying to carry out the Mantel test using Arlequin. But I have no idea how to make the right input file. Can someone help me out with this? I have several MHC exon 2 sequences of several...
12 December 2014 3,253 5 View
I'm having problem to analyze the diagnostic character from cryptic species. Need suggestion, thanks.
12 December 2014 9,562 4 View
There have been several papers recently addressing questions of niche overlap, niche shifts, etc. In all cases these authors have used models (mostly correlative species distribution models)...
12 December 2014 5,071 9 View
In California we have over 1,000 exotic plants that have become naturalized and exotic animals like the Argentine ant in California, lives a very different lifestyle than in its original country....
12 December 2014 1,921 19 View
I recently wrote an algorithm that compares multiple protein sequences in a multialignment and assigns a value for each amino acid position depending on the variation in that position. If only one...
12 December 2014 7,892 9 View
There are some people against the recurrent use of the gene reductionism in the SS approach, even some others are trying to replace the SS theory by social selection...
12 December 2014 8,394 4 View
08 December 2014 8,153 18 View
04 December 2014 4,425 8 View
There are some measures for slow LHS (alhb, mini-k, hkss), but I could not find a scale for measuring fast life history strategy in humans. Does such a scale exist? Will it make sense to develop...
22 November 2014 2,966 11 View
This is for 50-70 sequences (unique haplotypes) in the control region (297 & 897 bp).
11 November 2014 2,569 3 View
If selection is a mechanism of evolution shouldn’t it always lead to a change?
11 November 2014 7,196 8 View