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Questions related to Evolutionary Biology
Some times ago a read a book on subject of evolutionary biology and one of the chapters of that book was dedicated to "Sexual Selection". In that chapter it was inferred that since parental...
11 November 2014 2,444 2 View
What are the concentration of eccrine body glands in diverse mammal groups? According to the littoral dispersal theory (Pleistocene Homo following coasts & rivers), one of the functions of...
10 October 2014 6,154 2 View
This question is very associated to one more famous question, If the clock rewound, would organisms evolve the same way they did before? But I don't want to ask for the last one, although similar,...
10 October 2014 3,132 9 View
Dear Community! For an eutrophication study I am planning to compare several stations along a eutrophication gradient for changes in bacterial communities (Roche 454) in coral mucus, reef...
10 October 2014 4,063 9 View
I am wondering if there are any records in the primary literature of examples of where any Lissotriton vulgaris x L. helvetica or Lissotriton helvetica x L. vulgaris hybrids have successfully been...
10 October 2014 4,286 2 View
01 October 2014 7,447 2 View
As a theoretical game or in order to anticipate an evolutionary biology revolution and of course without any intention of get back to non scientific debates like the ID. What kind of empirical...
26 September 2014 444 24 View
ci, abbreviation of cubitus interruptus, is an allele on the chromosome 4 in Drosophila. I recently got some fly lines carry this allele, but I can not figure out the phenotype of this gene. Have...
09 September 2014 6,349 4 View
09 September 2014 9,869 25 View
Protandry vs Protogyny What evolutionary reason for protandrous and protogynous plants in commercial crops?
09 September 2014 5,493 5 View
About 150-400 years ago big scientific discoveries occurred that firstly encountered a great deal of suppressing from some like religious/political groups and organizations like the church in...
09 September 2014 7,792 9 View
I have total 14 strains of rickettsia species and completed the whole genome sequencing. After that I performed comparative genome analysis to find out the SNP and in-del and found very low...
26 August 2014 8,055 9 View
08 August 2014 2,600 9 View
A quick question about history of science. Alfred Wallace's 1903 book "Man's Place in the Universe" is usually considered the earliest precursor of contemporary astrobiology, since it applies the...
08 August 2014 8,850 14 View
Hi folks, I am comparing two rather divergent homologs of the same protein-coding gene and am interested in whether there has been any regional variation in selection along its coding sequence. I...
07 July 2014 5,894 3 View
In my teaching I discuss the importance of convergence in evolutionary studies. Of course we can use cases of convergence to discover the selection pressure(s) responsible for particular...
07 July 2014 4,683 27 View
03 July 2014 8,955 26 View
Genetic Algorithms use Darwinian principles to solve mathematical (programming) problems. Are they actually useful in obtaining knowledge in the opposite direction, i.e, in Evolutionary Biology.
25 June 2014 5,739 6 View
Is data exploration in phylogenetic inference important?
24 June 2014 990 4 View
Could we have an idea about the relative importance of gene saturation vs selection pressure for explaining incongruent topologies for a given taxon between different gene sequences?
23 June 2014 4,308 3 View
I have nexus file (*.nxs) which contains a lot of taxa and the sequence length is also very long, so I cannot keep copy pasting it as it will take a lot of time. I want to know if there is any...
20 June 2014 6,169 5 View
I read a book on evolutionary biology and I encountered the perception of Germ Plasm. I'd like to know if the theory of Germ Plasm is an important theory in evolutionary biology, and if it is why?
19 June 2014 1,550 3 View
One discontent with the role of the epigenetics in the evolutionary thought is that it´s, by definition, just soft inheritance. But what is rough inheritance? What determine that one inheritance...
09 June 2014 6,766 3 View
06 June 2014 1,510 3 View