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Questions related to Dataset
Keadilan lingkungan merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat. Lingkungan yang sehat dan lestari akan memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia . Namun , seringkali kepentingan...
02 June 2023 8,633 0 View
How does matter and energy flow across the Earth andsimilarities and differences between energy flow and nutrient cycles?
01 June 2023 8,283 6 View
I am good at SQL, Azure Data Factory, Power BI and Python and its libraries like pandas, numpy, matplotlib
31 May 2023 2,866 2 View
Hi, I'm writing a legal assignment on concealing physical or mental flaws before marriage. I tried searching for academic sources on Google Scholar and I didn't find any article that matches this...
30 May 2023 5,413 2 View
Hello can DMBA be effective in inducing cancer in 27 weeks old rats? all the literature specifies that rats should be around 50 days when we need to apply DMBA, so could be effective in older...
30 May 2023 8,588 1 View
Phonocardiography is an old and efficient technique for assesing the condition of the heart during cardiac cycles. Through auscultation, doctors can determine various abnormalities of the heart by...
24 May 2023 4,580 4 View
For example : from "Majapahit Kingdom citizens" became "Demak Kingdom citizens" suddently. Without adaptation or transition.
20 May 2023 5,341 2 View
I performed a permanova test between a distance matrix (Bray distance) on zooplankton abundance data and the WFD status of the sampling sites. Before that I checked the homogeneity of the...
17 May 2023 9,632 0 View
Hi! Let know please for journal list that publish exclusively translated psychometric instruments.
16 May 2023 4,245 1 View
I am reaching out for assistance regarding the analysis of my plant community survey data, which consists of multiple plot surveys conducted at different sites. Each site contains five plots, but...
15 May 2023 1,061 1 View
Sebagai contoh, pada zaman dahulu misalnya 20 tahun yang lalu memang terdapat pohon jambu batu yang berbuah lebat ditanam di pekarangan rumah depan. Pada masa kini (memori terbaru), pohon jambu...
14 May 2023 8,857 1 View
I am trying to find information about ways of determining optimal parameters for the Holt-Winters model. I understand that I should minimize forecasting error, but I still can't find an...
13 May 2023 2,842 3 View
كيف يتم نمذجة الشبكات العصبية؟
11 May 2023 3,475 1 View
I am doing modal analysis for some structure using Workbench 21R2. I need to extract the value of the first (Fd) frequency to a text file (MODE_F.txt) on my computer desk top, so I used the next ...
08 May 2023 7,673 0 View
The answer to this question will help the young talent to adobe the right path in their carrier like the selection of appropriate courses, selection of right jobs, etc.
08 May 2023 4,886 5 View
I am using the XceptionNet model How do we explain this?
06 May 2023 2,454 2 View
To answer the research question on social media's impact on teenagers' mental health, researchers may need to conduct a systematic literature review of existing studies that have investigated this...
05 May 2023 8,946 1 View
The number of items per construct can be reduced from 10 to 2 in convergent validity. Is this statement valid?
05 May 2023 6,478 4 View
Dear all, I have 5 proteins from A. thaliana, and I want to research whether these proteins could interact with mitochondrial proteins in H. sapiens. Any suggestions on the approach I should...
03 May 2023 4,314 1 View
I would appreciate people's thoughts on a methodology consideration. We're docking several thousand small molecules at a specific location on the receptor. We're using Autodoc Vina to reduce the...
01 May 2023 5,634 3 View
What is the best technique to optimize the distance between single antenna in MIMO antenna in CST software?
29 April 2023 5,772 10 View
If space is created during creation / formation of Universe, Energy must have been consumed for it. Is this energy stored in space as a potential energy form? Any details of information...
23 April 2023 6,454 3 View
Dear RG Community, I've been following the steps proposed Buser et al (2020) and I'm running into some difficulties. I load the image stack into Fiji and follow all the steps until I save the...
18 April 2023 9,334 0 View
I am going to research the impact of language policy at a university among international students. In this case, should I go for case study or mix method? Also, do I need to provide theoretical...
17 April 2023 9,508 2 View