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Questions related to Data
Hello, I am a psychological researcher. We are conducting an investigation on COVID-19 and I hope to have your support....
18 July 2020 8,608 13 View
In many situations in practice, the explanatory variables (xi) may not remain independent due to various reasons. The situation where the explanatory variables are highly intercorrelated is...
08 July 2020 6,666 21 View
Hi everyone. I am new here, currently an undergraduate student who is completing my Final Year Project. My project is on effects of temperature and co-solvents on bio-oil yield. I would like to...
26 June 2020 3,016 1 View
Hi all, I am looking for a source to download wind power generation data. The data should fulfill the following requirements: - measured (not simulated) power generation - of an individual wind...
29 May 2020 9,144 4 View
Hi Everyone, Did anyone have a similar issue when install and run imzMLConverter? I followed the instruction on and used the command it provides....
24 May 2020 4,125 3 View
Hello, I'm working on a research project and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of analyzing data for an experiment which would have the following: 64 readings, in...
29 April 2020 8,703 7 View
Hello everybody, I am new to academic research and I am currently working on my synopsis for my master thesis. Right now I am a little bit confused about the structure of my thesis. The main...
28 April 2020 6,919 3 View
Since it is not possible to work with Netvizz anymore I was hoping to find another tool which works similarly.
27 March 2020 1,096 3 View
I'm looking for shared data of Coronavirus patients, in particular, I need the demographic, clinical, and survival characteristics to test some hypotheses in a secondary analysis. Are there any...
23 March 2020 3,157 4 View
I am looking for shapefiles of city boundaries for several German cities (possibly including district boundaries within a city). No other spatial information is required. Do you know where I can...
23 March 2020 3,216 5 View
Hello, Does anyone know how to change the time length to 2 or 3s in Ansys Static Structural -> Model -> Static Structural -> Pressure -> Magnitude -> Function -> Tabular data?...
11 March 2020 9,180 3 View
I'm looking for a COVID-19 updated database containing patient information (age, sex, date disease was diagnosed, date of death/recover, etc). Is there any?
11 March 2020 5,832 14 View
In my investigation of the triangular relationship between international sales, international ownership and the riskiness of a stock I am looking for a database that could provide the % of foreign...
11 March 2020 4,496 3 View
Dear researchers, I have the following questions: 1. I want to know how I can read a number of TABLES and PARAMETERS from excel? 2. How can I make GAMS show the zero values as "0" in the results?...
09 March 2020 4,556 5 View
So for example, we have the following polls: First poll: People who said they like orange juice for breakfast are as follows: Texas (50%), NY (25%), North Carolina (20%), and Florida (5%) Second...
02 March 2020 3,083 3 View
I'd like to publish some ideas about taxonomical database. This is possible to do in Biodiversity Data Journal or PeerJ, but I need to pay for an article. Does anybody know similar journals...
24 February 2020 7,024 3 View
I am looking to sync data across an ultrasound machine (Terason USmart 3300), Vicon motion capture, force plate, and Delsys EMG data. I have gotten the Vicon, force plate, EMG to sync within a...
12 February 2020 806 3 View
While using a load balancer for a web application that works on multiple servers, should all servers contain the same data? and if not, how does the load balancer know exactly on which server the...
07 February 2020 4,302 6 View
So i am seriously thinking about the use of interview on one of the studies I am presently conducting, however, I want to confirm if it is possible to analyze the response of respondents with the...
31 January 2020 9,999 7 View
I need to report my statistical findings in a paper but I am struggling to report the output from R. how do I treat the two sections (Count model coefficients and Zero Inflation model...
29 January 2020 1,589 2 View
Is there any standard procedure/sequence of tools to process the hyperspectral tabular data before PLSR regression modeling. example of tools are 1) De-resolve 2) second derivative 3)normalize...
15 January 2020 9,416 2 View
I've got a big amount of environmental data as independent variables, so I used a PCA to work better with them. But I have problems in extracting/converting the data from de Principal Components...
13 January 2020 4,370 7 View
For my research I have two sample sizes; one consists of 195 cases and the other of 31. The rho of the 195 cases is much bigger then the rho for the 31 cases. I tried to search for the minimum...
09 January 2020 7,278 7 View
Hello, Is there a (preferably free) way to download all molecules (SMILES or SDF) from a published scientific article? Like searching pubchem or chembl or ZINC via DOI or so? I would like to...
06 January 2020 7,701 3 View