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Questions related to Data
I am working on TiO2 composite material and the results of XRD have a lot of small/junk peaks and while I apply a smooth filter in Origin then the other characteristics peaks disappear so anyone...
27 February 2021 8,558 3 View
I'm using a number of indicators in my research which are not available at a sub-national level. Is there a reliable method for disaggregating the country data into city ones? (preferably with a...
17 February 2021 7,209 3 View
Hi Is there any new method to estimate ( predict ) low-flow and high-flow regimes in daily scales for ungauged hydrometric stations? Thanks
16 February 2021 3,822 3 View
Dear all, Is there anybody who has worked with ASI (Annual Survey of Industries) Firm-Level data? I have extracted the data files with STATA, and now I need help with creating a panel for...
12 February 2021 1,409 4 View
Hi there, I have two bar chart figures I want to annotate to show significance, however, I’m unsure how to this correctly. Figure 1 displays the visits counts (y-axis) of different species...
31 January 2021 1,314 3 View
I am currently faced with the challenge to measure integration speed of an acquisition or a merger with secondary data. Usually companies do not communicate once a target has been integrated...
28 January 2021 9,943 11 View
dear community, for my project i'am using anaconda jupyter lab , for the same lines of code using same editor , just after clicking on restart kernel and clear all data im getting different...
27 January 2021 688 7 View
I am writing a research proposal, using a universities' convenience survey data that they have conducted. In order to answer my research question, I will need to look at two specific generational...
10 January 2021 3,394 4 View
Dear colleagues, Please answer it, will take less than 2 minutes, Please find attached the link below :...
11 December 2020 1,831 6 View
I am looking for data on French banks from June 2011 to June 2019 - ROA, NIM, ROE, and total equity including loans and assets, preferably from S&P Global, or BvD Bank Focus. Any help is greatly...
07 December 2020 10,098 1 View
I am trying to generate a 1 day solar irradiation profile. Any suggested high resolution(possibly in minutes) source for the same?
07 December 2020 6,357 18 View
MSD requires 8 standards that are serially diluted down in order to produce a standard curve. In the final row of my MSD Assay, I accidentally pipetted DMSO (same volume) into the last 4 wells of...
25 November 2020 3,569 2 View
Hi! I'm working on a research and we have some kind of hydrologic datasets(e.g. river discharge, precipitation, temperature and etc.). We need to be sure about the quality of our datasets. Is...
24 November 2020 7,196 5 View
Hi, I would like to know where can I get historic global/national (preferably USA) level time-series data for the following (preferably gridded data)? Flood, Drought, Max temperature, Min...
09 November 2020 9,578 6 View
Hello, My cplex model is set to read a csv file using IloOplInputFile, as described in the following discussion:...
08 November 2020 5,146 3 View
Dear all, I wanted to evaluate the accuracy of a model using observation data. My problem is the correlation of the model with observed data is really good (bigger than 0.7) but RMSE is very high...
03 November 2020 9,279 3 View
Hi, is there any dataset about occupational skin diseases (especially skin cancers) that contains skin lesions images (simple or dermoscopic or histologic) ,integrated with clinical data and...
11 October 2020 3,477 4 View
I have FDI data series of more than 40 years. But the series contains negative values of 5 different years. Since, I am using FDI as independent variable and necessary to transform those values in...
27 September 2020 568 5 View
The hypothesis is: the higher the self efficacy is, the higher the need for (a certain leadership style). In reverse the hypothesis : The lower self efficacy is, the higher the need for...
18 September 2020 3,860 3 View
I conducted an analysis in autodyn saving at gauges points the displacements along z. Now, I would need to use this output data as input for analysis in the static structural environment. Since I...
16 September 2020 5,410 3 View
Dear Community, does anyone know if there is a list of the most successfull Start ups in Germany over the years (post Dotcom-Bubble in 2000). For my thesis I need to find out which the most...
19 August 2020 2,155 3 View
My research team and I collected a batch of data this month(~150 workers) from Mturk. Despite having many quality checks embedded in the survey (e.g., multiple attention checks, reverse coded...
14 August 2020 9,834 5 View
I have a query regarding data transformation if anyone can provide any guidance please? I was wondering if, generally, it is possible to transform a variable's raw data twice, using 2 different...
14 August 2020 8,061 9 View
A growing number of journals are adopting an 'open data policy' in which authors of research articles are required, during the submission process, to make data availability statement indicating...
26 July 2020 2,363 16 View