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Questions related to Control Theory
To check for microbial contamination, there are devices that determine the amount of ATP by colorimetric method. Is the data obtained from this device acceptable in scientific articles? Is the use...
22 December 2018 4,665 4 View
What are the promising research directions in current optimal control theories? Online optimal control, intelligent optimization control or other methods?
25 November 2018 7,803 3 View
I am still unsure about the relationship between BIBO and Lyapunov stability of simple undelayed LTI SISO systems. Basic facts: 1) The system is STABLE if it has all system poles (eigenvalues) in...
19 November 2018 5,338 14 View
Hello everyone ! I am a PSIM beginner and I was trying to model a variable resistance in time. I want my resistance to start at a very low value for example, then increase in time following a...
14 November 2018 367 0 View
Hi everyone, I have implemented an EKF in a power systems application. When I run a simulation in Matlab, in some iterations of the filter I get a Kalman gain matrix (K) with negative values...
13 November 2018 9,797 2 View
for deterministic systems, with defining proper terminal constraint , terminal cost and local controller we can prove the recursive feasibility and stability of nonlinear system under model...
11 November 2018 8,500 2 View
Hello colleagues, I am a junior sociologist in Africa precisely in the Gambia and I would like to be in connection with sociological associations or social sciences journals in order to get...
01 November 2018 8,075 5 View
In the literature, most of the time, it is assumed that the system is slow enough and the time required for calculation of optimal control in each step of MPC can be neglected. it is a correct...
24 October 2018 9,091 1 View
I am working on non-linear Model Predictive Control. In my Ms research. I want to design the full micro grid operation and control for islanded and grid-connected mode. In islanded case, i...
02 October 2018 5,166 2 View
A single phase DAB is simulated as an open loop system. Waveforms are generated by single phase shift. A voltage source is connected at the output of low voltage terminal simulated as a battery....
30 September 2018 3,201 4 View
Can anyone suggest me any book or paper for indication of developing faults using IEC 61850-9-2 based current and voltage values?.
17 September 2018 8,088 3 View
I have to design a fractional order PID controller for a maglev plant. The maglev plant is an open-loop unstable system. Its transfer function has two real poles, one on the RHS of s-plane and one...
13 September 2018 6,399 6 View
Here, by element-wise bound, I mean bounds on each of the elements of A, B, and P matrices. i.e., |aij| =0, etc... Also, P is the solution to the Algebraic Riccati Equation.
10 September 2018 721 3 View
The main quantity in the study of dynamical quantum phase transition (DQPT) is Loschmidt echo amplitude defined as $G(t)=\langle \Psi_{0}|\Psi_{0}(t)\rangle=\langle...
06 September 2018 2,135 2 View
Why the discontinuous trajectories are not desirable ? I mean if we know that the optimal trajectory is the one having jumps then would we implement the corresponding optimal control law or shall...
23 August 2018 1,835 4 View
Its a controls theory related problem
20 August 2018 6,319 3 View
Hi everybody, I'm currently expressing proteins in and extracting from bacteria. The procedure is that I pellet the bacteria from bioreactor, resuspend in buffer (50 mM Tris/HCl, pH 8.0; 1M NaCl;...
17 August 2018 7,916 9 View
Is there any lyapunov procedure for this case?
14 August 2018 1,217 6 View
I know this question is not relevant to the research. Sorry! Does anyone know the easiest way to write long equations in Latex? Is it possible to write the equation in Maple or Mathematica and...
14 August 2018 6,832 15 View
Basically I am working on Lorenz Attractor and I want to design an intelligent controller based on Fuzzy Logic. Kindly help. Thanyou in advance.
26 July 2018 8,191 3 View
To find constants of A1, B1, C1,D1 and A2,B2,C2,D2 in mode shape equation of piezoelectric cantilever beam using MATLAB codes. This can be done with the help of boundary conditions. Even though,...
23 July 2018 7,355 4 View
suggest me any good materilas on fixed point theory and dynamic programing,and fuzzy metric space
23 July 2018 8,026 6 View
Hello everyone, I am trying to develop a control model for trolleybus (or car ) travel time. According to the optimal control theory. First, I must determine the dynamic equation for a...
08 July 2018 9,296 3 View
I know most industrial robots used PID before but what about now? after all the advancement in the field of control theory and emergence of adaptive control and Sliding mode control, do we still...
07 July 2018 3,816 4 View