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Questions related to Control Theory
We have a stochastic dynamic model: Xk+1 =f(Xk,uk,wk ). We can design a cost function to be optimized using dynamic programming algorithm. How do we design a cost function for this dynamic...
07 May 2020 9,850 6 View
Modal analysis for multimodal piezoelectric energy harvester 1) What is the continuity equation between the main beam part 3 and the branched beam? For single beam, four unknown constants will...
06 May 2020 3,775 0 View
I am currently modelling the IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder in the ETAP 19.5 student version. I am trying to circumvent the difficulties presented by the voltage regulator (since the regulator module...
03 May 2020 848 1 View
I am undertaking my project which concerns the simulation of reactive power control in a three-phase AC microgrid which can be switched between grid-connected and islanded mode. I would like to...
22 April 2020 329 0 View
How to fix the neutralizing agent in Amoxicillin capsules microbiological method validation ?
16 April 2020 6,320 0 View
Using the Simulink tool, we developed power electronics simulations package for teaching and training purposes, and we need integrating it into Simscape Electrical of Matlab/Simulink software.
10 April 2020 3,941 0 View
Hi dears, I tried to model an ideal op-amp in simulink but so far,I have failed.Because in my design,I also use Simscape toolbox that cause two problems. Any matlab code(mfile) or model related to...
08 April 2020 6,460 0 View
Dear Users, I am a beginner in Digsilent Power factory. Currently, I am just trying to do the load flow of system consisting of batteries and loads (File attached) . Sir, when executing load flow,...
11 March 2020 284 0 View
Hello! I have a question if someone can answer me please. As for the majorioty of metaheuristic algorithm, a step called initialization is a necessary for the methods. There are some ways to...
06 March 2020 9,758 9 View
The brachistochrone is a well-known problem in calculus of variations and optimal control. I ask if there is any explicit solution to the problem?. In the existing texts, x and y are usually...
01 March 2020 699 5 View
I want to simulate an inverter topology using PSIM thermal module to calculate MOSFET switching and conduction losses at different power levels. How I can adjust different power levels in...
25 February 2020 7,407 2 View
As I read about stochastic MPC approaches, there are some approaches claim satisfaction of chance constraints in prediction or in closed-loop sense using different ways of tightening the chance...
21 February 2020 6,216 2 View
The problem is this: there is model of robot, created in Simscape. And knee of this robot is made of "pin-slot-joint", which allows one transnational and one rotational degree of freedom. In...
10 February 2020 5,432 2 View
I am interested in creating a multi-layer mechanical network. Therefore I would like to find a software where you can visualise nodes and links moving around in 2D and 3D space.
05 January 2020 1,529 1 View
I was wondering if there are some references available on harmonics analysis (especially for power systems) from a control theory perspective.
09 December 2019 6,279 3 View
Hello, I am a graduate student doing research on high-speed wireline electrical link. I am looking for lectures or textbooks that covers basic knowledge, trends, circuit and systems design for...
11 November 2019 4,011 0 View
Hi guys ! I have a fundamental question regarding the fitness criterion when performing a model estimation for system identification. This far, I have obtained a good model for a driving...
29 October 2019 3,931 1 View
We know that mathematicians study different mathematical spaces such as Hilbert space, Banach space, Sobolev space, etc... but as engineers, is it necessary for us to understand the definition of...
14 October 2019 10,118 9 View
How can maximum current for a BLDC motor be estimated using the frequency and the di/dt inductance values?
09 October 2019 1,598 2 View
I am designing a PI controller for a heating coil. Air flowing around the heating coil is heated before being supplied to a heated space. Hot water flows through the heating coil. In the suggested...
05 October 2019 3,922 5 View
I'm now studying anaerobic sludge digestion and have started the two-phase reactors, but the sludges in the fermentation reactors still have pH around 6, while it should be around 5. Here are...
01 October 2019 5,798 3 View
Dear Researchers, I would like to kindly ask to introduce different fuzzy-based hybrid control algorithms and the salient features of each technique. Thank you.
29 September 2019 7,345 1 View
Recently I suggested a simple method for nonlinear oscillators , you can download the paper by the following link is this frequency formulation the...
11 September 2019 5,218 1 View
How does K (The controller Gain) affect J (the objective function) in the LQR Control? How do I explain this a bit theoritically?
02 September 2019 10,019 2 View