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Questions related to Cancer
I don't understand the whole concept of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). I believe it was proposed as an explanation of how circulating tumor epithelial cells migrate and colonize...
03 November 2018 2,148 13 View
Looking for a best way to prepare and delivery of targeting stem cell for cancer therapy
02 November 2018 1,128 8 View
Does Dmax (Depth of dose maximum) depend on chamber? If we measured Dmax (Depth of dose maximum)using cylindrical chamber for specific electron energy (10 MeV) with field size (10x10) and then...
26 October 2018 4,554 7 View
I want to calculate the Standarized incidence ratio of second primary malignancies. I have a database with patients that were diagnosed with lung cancer as first cancer and these were followed up...
24 October 2018 3,083 5 View
24 October 2018 3,832 1 View
I mean, new wave for peace, should have a what new trait? For example, religious mans say the meditation can help peace (with positive waves) and sometimes they are right!! Can you help me for...
23 October 2018 9,355 9 View
We often use soft agar colony formation assay to test cancer cells' Anchorage-independent growth as a hallmark of carcinogenesis, the assay described by "Stanley Borowicz, et. al.". Yet, I can...
14 October 2018 5,356 3 View
Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made up of trillions of cells. Normally, human cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old or...
14 October 2018 9,265 28 View
Hello colleagues and friends, Proteases are extremely important signalling molecules that are involved in numerous vital processes like apoptosis, cell growth and activation, adhesion,...
11 October 2018 8,736 3 View
I am growing N-Tera 2 cells and performing CRISPR on them. They are taking up the plasmid construct well, but the problem we keep having is that both with and without CRISPR intervention, we can't...
11 October 2018 1,683 3 View
When a patient is diagnosed with cancer, some families will decide not to let the patient know. Is there a model to explain why they do not tell the truth to patient?
17 September 2018 664 5 View
I have four bt brinjal varieties. I want to cultivate them and analyse the existing cry1Ac level in that cultivars. But how can I analyse it in lab? Further, I want to test the efficacy of those...
11 September 2018 3,643 0 View
There is plenty of literature evidence that state that CREBBP is a tumor promoter and also the contrary. Can it's functions be generalized as an Oncogene/ Suppressor? Since it impacts both kinds...
05 September 2018 697 3 View
This is too far from my area of expertise (theoretical physics) for me to get an idea. I saw that a paper had been published on this subject but I do not know how to interpret it: Lai H, Sasaki...
27 August 2018 5,800 3 View
It seems that all the well-known annotation tools implicitly assume that the reference allele (identical to the allele of the human reference genome) is the normal one and the functional...
15 August 2018 5,213 5 View
Hello all, I am interested in prioritizing my genes (84) and the corresponding miRNAs (6) so I want to predict their expression levels, and subject them to prognostic analysis but most of these...
13 August 2018 1,047 0 View
Hsp90 is overexpressed in cancer cells. In few cancer cells, Hsp90 is over expressed. In few the β form. The β form is the constitutive form and involved in cytoprotection, embroynic development,...
18 July 2018 1,144 0 View
If so how to define limit for routine cleaning validation studies. How is it going to impact hold time study as each product has it's own impurities but in general only one worst case molecule is...
25 June 2018 7,580 6 View
While palpating four month old female rats breast tissue not able to distinguish breast mass. If anyone knows please let me know
13 June 2018 2,558 2 View
Does starting a community based questionnaire survey requires IRB clearance? Does the questionnaire is to be verified/certified or validated? How to calculate the number of participants for the...
12 June 2018 7,048 19 View
This is more a personal question than one related directly to my research (although i am interested in sensorimotor rehabilitation in general). I have a family member who has hemiplegia because of...
25 May 2018 3,168 5 View
Anyone who has C26 tumor cells (cachexia-inducing, NOT the related Ct26) or knows where to buy/get them? I want to induce cachexia in C57 mice with a tumor cell line that is not LLC but can´t find...
22 May 2018 7,808 4 View
Screening for breast cancer can lead to early detection and treatment. Development of a screening test involving nipple secretions may lead to better management of breast cancer
26 April 2018 2,613 1 View
Dear All, How often did it happen that you have one anticancer drug which is evidently affecting the clonogenicity of cancer cells whereas when you check its effect on the same cancer cells...
19 April 2018 5,918 3 View