21 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Subhradip Bhattacharjee
As a former PhD scholar, currently working as a Junior Research Fellow on a DST-funded project, I am seeking information on travel grants. A few months ago, while I was still pursuing my PhD, I...
04 February 2024 2,040 0 View
Although there are several research papers describing methods to estimate different organic phosphorus fractions, I did not found any comprehensive method to estimate different organic P...
26 June 2023 6,217 0 View
Among hundreds of Linux distributions, what are the most suitable ones which can be used by a biological science researchers whose workflow is largely based on genomic data science and its...
27 November 2022 2,843 3 View
As LaTeX is a fantastic tool for scientific documentation; there are plenty of TeX editors are around. Some of these editors are online and cloud based such as Overleaf while others are old style...
25 March 2022 2,879 2 View
Popular publication houses like Elsevier, Springer and Wiley have thousand of journals under their umbrella. They periodically start/acquire new journals. How we can know about newly launched/...
27 May 2021 5,840 8 View
I need to estimate protein from wheat grain/flour sample using the Bradford method. What is the standard procedure of extraction and estimation of protein using the Bradford method?
11 October 2020 1,807 4 View
The total nitrogen estimation from the plant sample is a very common analysis often performed by the students and researchers of plant science. However; there are many major and minor alterations...
08 October 2020 4,738 5 View
I am using KELPLUS ELITE-EX VA semi-automatic Kjeldahl distillation unit for nitrogen estimation. The salesman told me that unlike the older version; this version does not require making up the...
02 October 2020 1,077 3 View
I have an experiment in which I want to estimate the photosynthetic activity and carbon dioxide flux of wheat plant. However, in my institute does not have potable photosynthesis equipment. Is...
12 August 2020 9,907 2 View
As in Masters of Science in Agronomy in many places have only one year of research work, is it possible to convert it to a paper and publish it in an impact factored journal especially when the...
05 August 2020 4,448 6 View
While communicating a research paper to a journal we provide corresponding authors email id. The email id is often the institutional id of the author. However; sometimes a student a write a paper...
05 August 2020 9,669 2 View
Is it possible to conduct an experiment without proper control where the effect of several doses of a particular nutrient on a particular crop will be evaluated? Is it possible to compare these...
02 August 2020 3,961 11 View
I want to hire a drone to take multispectral photographs of my experimental plot. it will include visual range photography, IR and NIR photography.
12 January 2020 6,175 2 View
Which is the best statistical tool for agronomic and soil science research? As SAS and R packages are quite popular for social sciences and breeding; whether these two overtly complicated...
30 December 2019 1,170 7 View
I am interested to measure the soil respiration by the alkali trapping method. In this method; co2 emission in a closed chamber is measured by trapping it in an alkali solution and then...
21 December 2019 8,344 3 View
I want to study the root architecture of wheat roots using IJ Rhizo attached with a scanner that requires complete removal of soil from the plant roots. What will be the most suitable dispersing...
30 November 2019 5,016 4 View
I want to measure the root volume of wheat for my experiment which requires uniform uprooting of wheat plants with a specified volume of soil. What will be ideal core sampler size so that root...
30 November 2019 5,162 4 View
I am going to use municipal solid waste compost in one of my experiment. The crops will be wheat and maize. I want to about most suitable microorganism strains that can be used with the compost...
26 August 2019 4,425 5 View
Various available literature indicates that biochar can be applied in acidic as well as alkaline soil. What will happen if I apply rice-straw biochar in saline as well as sodic soil?
13 June 2019 9,273 7 View
With advancement of omics tools now we have multiple options to determine the community level interaction and changes in soil microbe. Among all these methods ; which is the most straight forward,...
01 January 1970 5,655 2 View
While Linux has its own bits of share in other things of daily life including software development, internet security, server and data analytics; why does it lags behind in academics and research...
01 January 1970 3,871 4 View