46 Questions 49 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shamjid Palappra
I would like to get some references to compare solar energy (photovoltaics) to other renewable energy resources.
30 May 2018 7,428 3 View
The type of organic semiconductor depends only on its HOMO and LUMO bands or the work function of the selected anode or cathode of the device structure ??
24 May 2018 5,741 4 View
I would like to get explanation for the following points 1. Light absorption of the plasmonic metal nanoparticle is more significant than scattering when the particle size is small (less than 50...
05 February 2018 9,751 9 View
Researchers have been explained exciton dissociation with PL decay spectrum. In the attached figure, plasmonic device exhibits faster decay compared to reference device. That means, plasmonic...
03 June 2017 212 6 View
With finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation, it is possible to calculate both scattering and absorption cross-section of metal nanoparticles using total-field scattered-field (TFSF)...
01 May 2017 1,990 8 View
Looking for good references to get basic idea of FDTD method. I would like to get the basic idea to study how does the software Lumerical FDTD works. That means how the software calculate...
15 February 2017 2,733 8 View
Plasmonic effect - (i) near field scattering, (ii) far-field scattering I would like to understand the theory behind near and far field scattering around metal nanoparticles and theoretical and...
06 November 2016 3,531 3 View
I would like to know optical material (CRC, Pallik or Johnson & Christy), fit tolerance and max coefficient.
20 August 2016 6,876 1 View
Can anyone help me to built a new structure which is not available in lumerical FDTD library? My desired structure is attached below. I need to develop a 3D structure as attached figure. Some...
11 August 2016 7,855 5 View
If we know real and imaginary part of dielectric constant a material, can we predict the material property from it?
19 July 2016 3,626 23 View
I would like to compare scattering cross sections of different sized Ag NPs using lumerical FDTD solution software. Can anyone give an idea for the above? To make my question clearer, I have...
30 June 2016 2,374 9 View
Can anyone help me to make 2D-FDTD simulation for Ag NPs of 40 nm diameter and LSPR wavelength at 418 nm?
08 June 2016 4,377 5 View
As the size of the metal nanoparticles (Ag or Au) increases scattering efficiency will increase. When the particle size go beyond a particular value, scattering efficiency star to decrease. In...
10 May 2016 4,342 3 View
How can we calculate extinction, scattering and absorption cross section using FDTD?
28 April 2016 7,722 6 View
For the fabrication of organic solar cell with Ag nanoparticles, how can I effectively spin coat Ag NPs on top of ITO substrate. I have synthesized Ag NP and washed and stored into ethanol.
14 March 2016 4,442 2 View
If we make thin films by spin coating method, even we kept same RPM and Time for rotation, the thickness of both will be different. Then how can we compare absorption enhancement the thin film...
20 February 2016 6,614 2 View
If we can make an energy level below the LUMO of active layer with cathode electrode, why we require ELT in between them? Why do we need an extra energy level between LUMO of the active layer and...
04 January 2016 3,396 3 View
Using Mie theory we can plot angular scattering pattern of silver NPs. If we plot various sized silver nanoparticles (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 nm)scattering, which size will has higher forward...
02 January 2016 7,370 3 View
I wrote a matlab program to calculate Mie scattering efficiency of Ag NPs. Now I'm looking to plot scattering intensity vs scattering angle graph. So I need some good references for this. Please...
10 November 2015 999 4 View
In the case of silver nanocubes intense XRD peak is the (200). This intense peak is explained due to the presence of {100} facet. How these are...
16 October 2015 5,315 3 View
Theoretical Mie absorption and scattering properties of Au and Ag various size can be solved by Yguerabide method. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003269798927609]. However,...
14 August 2015 5,751 3 View
I am try to study Mie theory to understand optical behavior of metal nano particles (spherical). I have to develop a computer program based on Mie theory to theoretically understand optical...
01 August 2015 4,046 10 View
Conductivity of thin films from I-V curve using two-probe method
10 July 2015 7,223 1 View
I'm expecting some good references to get the concept of reciprocal lattice. How is it useful in the studies of crystal.
24 March 2015 6,942 4 View
Is it possible to generate the LSPR effect with sunlight, or is high intense laser light required? Is the incidence angle dependent on plasmonic generation?
23 March 2015 1,191 4 View
In plasmonic photovoltaics, photo-current spectral response is explained by scattering or near field light enhancement of metal nano-particles.From the basic knowledge we know scattered light is...
16 March 2015 9,622 6 View
The plasmonic effect is the interaction between free electrons in metal nano particles and incident light. Why is this effect possible in metal nano-particles? Is it observable in bulk metals...
23 December 2014 5,002 10 View
How organic solar cell performance related to the absorption of active layer at higher wavelength.
03 November 2014 8,144 11 View
The I-V characteristics of solar cell show a negative short circuit current. Is this negative value because of minority charge carriers or not. Is it possible to explain the working of solar cell...
09 September 2014 4,516 14 View
I would like to know it is possible to find out thin film thickness from the reflectance pattern that have been taken from the UV-Vis spectrophotometer. I have read FFT numerical technique is...
23 August 2014 7,452 8 View
I would like to know why diffraction is limited by nano-world. I have read that plasmons can be used to overcome this diffraction limit in the nanometer world. I'm hoping some answers and some...
15 August 2014 4,870 4 View
Actually, I'm expecting answer to perform a computational program and its code related concept.
08 August 2014 6,345 4 View
I am expecting answer more specifically about why nano-structure is required for organic solar cell
18 July 2014 7,958 4 View
In bilayer organic solar cell there has large contact between thin films of two organic material, then why the interface region is less than that of Bulk Heterojunction solar cell and other...
11 July 2014 7,875 10 View
I have read a journal in theoretical modeling of organic solar cells. But I couldn't understand how it is used in this particular problem and how it calculates physical quantities. Could someone...
30 June 2014 3,481 3 View
I would like to get a chemical synthesis method of Copper NPs from copper chloride.
19 June 2014 6,856 2 View
I have understood, incident light waves generate a collective oscillations of free electrons in a metal nano-particles(NPs) that causes optical electromagnetic oscillation, which is called...
05 June 2014 9,049 4 View
Even the surface plasmons are electromagnetic waves how they can enhance light absorption of the active layer of organic solar cells?
03 June 2014 1,544 3 View
I would like to get an answer in relation to exciton quenching in organic solar cells. The reference: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2011/JM/C1JM12820E#!divAbstract
01 June 2014 3,779 6 View
In organic solar cells, the excitons generation by the incident photon is dissociated at the donar-aceptor junction. So the dissociated electrons move to cathode (Al) and holes to anode (ITO)....
29 May 2014 2,042 6 View
In organic solar cells, surface plasmons are used to improve light absorption without reducing the active layer thickness. But I didn't get the physics of plasmonic generation and how it enhances...
27 May 2014 8,486 10 View
I have a 100 ohm resistor, which was connected to a I-V measurement unit. I then swept voltage from 0 -7 V, but the graph showed a current from 0-0.01 A corresponding to 0-1 V . Why it does not...
19 May 2014 7,630 6 View
I have to know the physics that related to the nano-structured organic solar cells, the fundamentals of this topic. If anyone experienced excellent e-book or paper related to this, nano-structured...
16 May 2014 7,571 3 View
I have searched so many books and websites to get the physics or concept related to excitons, but I failed to get the real concept about it rather I got some some definition like electron-hole...
12 May 2014 5,536 15 View
I have read that the theory is mainly related to the surface energy and that as the temperature is increased, the surface energy decreases which results in a lot less nucleation sites and thus it...
12 March 2014 1,353 0 View
I had tried to generate nano-pillars using AAO template, but I couldn't grow nano-pillars with perfect order. Rather, slanted nano-pillars were only formed. So please help me about the placement...
19 February 2014 9,134 6 View