The type of organic semiconductor depends only on its HOMO and LUMO bands or the work function of the selected anode or cathode of the device structure ??
The homolevel and the lumolevel are characteristics of organic semiconductor itself and independent of the doping. The doping affects the position of the Fermi level inside the energy gap between the homo and lumo levels. So, the doping affects the socalled work function of the material. The conduction type of the material is determined by thermal probe or Hall effect.
The doping of organic materials is accomplished by adding doping molecules while the doping of metallic semiconductors is achieved by adding substitutional doping atoms.
Organic materials to used as active photoanode or photocathode. The main requirement Is that, the homo and lumo energy levels of the organic materials should match with corresponding used semiconductor (TiO2 or NiO). For example, in dye sensitized solar cells, the homo level of the dye should be considerably more positive than that of CB edge of TiO2 for effective electron injection while for p- type dyes, the lumo energy levels should be negative than that of VB of NiO.
For further understanding you can refer some of the review articles on organic photovoltaics or dye sensitized solar cells.