27 Questions 161 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from s h s hussainsha
i am requesting to unique scholars who are familiar with riemann hypothesis to explain at what point or at which equation we have to prove real part of zeta function is 1/2.
12 December 2018 3,395 4 View
Why is it still possible to observe galaxies billions of light years away although the intensity drops inversely proportional to the square of the distance?
07 July 2018 8,506 2 View
i developed concept related to Gravitational waves in which quantization of Gravitational wave can be done similar to light waves or EM waves... energy of Gravitational waves comes in discrete...
02 February 2018 7,742 14 View
special theory of relativity says;;;;;;an observer at rest with respect to a system of static free charges will see no magnetic field. however, a moving observer looking at the same set of charges...
01 January 2018 5,146 15 View
read the following attached file and i welcome any unique scholar to collaborate with me to do experiment. PLAYING DICE WITH PROPER TIME
01 January 2018 2,001 2 View
All observers in inertial frames will measure the same speed of light, regardless of their state of motion, why?
01 January 2018 1,416 48 View
according to special relativity nothing travel faster than speed of light...what is the fate of special relativity if we really build a space ship that travels greater than or equal to the speed...
01 January 2018 3,253 10 View
at large scale, do earth goes around sun or particles of the earth goes around the particles of the sun? i am proposing new theory which says; the Gravitational force in between two objects...
01 January 2018 8,322 18 View
every particle carries its own clock along a time-like world line and time measured by that clock is proper time ...now i apply superposition principle to this clock! my dear unique scholars go...
01 January 2018 6,251 0 View
quantum field theory says:::::: the vacuum state is not truly empty but instead contains fleeting electromagnetic waves and particles that pop into and out of existence. then sound should travel...
01 January 2018 2,443 13 View
yes... One particle of an entangled pair “knows” what measurement has been performed on the other, and with what outcome. This is because, one of the particle of an entangled pair lies in future...
01 January 2018 7,320 9 View
if energy neither be created nor be destroyed, then from where current carrying solenoid got magnetic energy....if electric charge is fixed, how magnetism is created.... do electric charge is...
01 January 2018 2,536 9 View
we know that change in mass gives energy which is calculated with the help of mass-energy equivalence....in a similar fashion i have discovered electric-magnetic equivalence equation in a research...
11 November 2017 7,315 2 View
i developed a new theory (hypothesis) to unite general relativity with quantum mechanics. to test this hypothesis, interested scholars are welcome to collaborate with me. i am attaching thesis to...
01 January 2017 1,524 10 View
in our modern era majority of people from physics family following STRING THEORY.....why? truth: for example general relativity tested and proved experimentally. String theory not yet passed even...
10 October 2016 1,204 7 View
my dear unique scholars i am requesting to comment on my new research result. so please comment on this. We differentiate two electrons present in a same quantum states in terms of ℓ, the angular...
10 October 2016 1,724 34 View
i say no.....because it may be due to Laws of Refraction in different Mediums !!!!! When a ray of light goes from rarer to denser medium, the ray (refracted ray) bends towards the normal in the...
01 January 1970 4,605 10 View
Wave–particle duality is the concept that every elementary particle may be partly described in terms not only of particles, but also of waves. why?
01 January 1970 2,171 1 View
We know how to calculate kinetic energy of a particle or an object having mass (m) travelling with some velocity (v) and we know how to calculate equivalent mass of that kinetic energy by using...
01 January 1970 8,263 3 View
my dear unique scholars comment on this question. this question taken from my research provided in link. Special theory of relativity clearly says, ‘a force which is identified as electrostatic in...
01 January 1970 9,330 2 View
If Temperature is related to motion, then what’s wrong if I relate Temperature to Time Dilation concept of Relativity? Temperature is a measure of the average translational kinetic energy...
01 January 1970 1,280 8 View
If light contains particles called photons, perhaps they should have momentum like any other particle...here momentum = E/c=hf/c i think frequency of photon does not change in calculating momentum...
01 January 1970 9,117 40 View
YES its merely an illusion... according to quantum mechanics; a quantum particle be at two locations. Better to say: A particle may not have a location at all. this conditions will be valid under...
01 January 1970 554 8 View
we know that according to quantum mechanics electron behaves as dual (wave and particle)...now i accelerate electron in a lab or in a particle accelerator ....under the condition of electron is a...
01 January 1970 4,770 61 View
i am introducing new space-time interval (nothing-like) beside old space-time intervals (time-like, space-like, light-like). this new space-time interval plays important role in quantum...
01 January 1970 2,551 7 View
i developed a new theory (hypothesis) to unite general relativity with quantum mechanics in which space-time interval between any two events is zero in quantum mechanics (space-time does not exist...
01 January 1970 7,231 8 View
we know that; Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs of particles are interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently...
01 January 1970 6,210 3 View