31 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rajorshi Koyal
This is particularly with regard to "Equilibrium in heterogeneous systems",it is given that he stable phase forms of pure A and ppure B at a given temperature and pressure can be denoted as α and...
22 February 2021 793 1 View
Both the names seem very similar but there must be some very important differences.Please highlight them for me.
08 May 2020 867 3 View
Please give me an insight into the differences.I am only an undergrad in Metallurgical Engineering.
07 March 2020 10,773 9 View
1.Right handed screw dislocation 2.Left handed screw dislocation 3.Positive edge dislocation 4.negative edge dislocation Please provide an insight focus into the statures of Burgers vector in all...
06 March 2020 398 3 View
I just came across this statement on the book G.E.Dieter.Please explain me the meaning of this statement,"Note,however that the Burger's vector is the same along the entire dislocation loop.If...
06 March 2020 388 3 View
After cutting the plane I do not understand which plane of atoms corresponds to which one.If both the upper part and the bottom part are contained in the same straight line and we cut the partial...
04 March 2020 8,511 3 View
Please explain the meaning of this statement with close reference to Precipitation hardening,"The relative rates of nucleation and growth are controlled by temperature. The size and dispersion of...
01 December 2019 5,047 6 View
For a continuous and oriented fiber reinforced composite,the modulus of elasticity in the longitudinal and transverse directions are 19.7 and 3.66 GPa respectively.If the volume fraction of fibres...
11 November 2019 9,381 2 View
Find the relationship for the stress required to move a Screw Dislocation anchored at its two ends on the Slip Plane.
29 July 2019 5,396 0 View
I do not understand why the shell equation is being applied and most importantly there is nothing spherical here so why should the shell equation even be pondered about?Please refer to the...
18 July 2019 8,321 5 View
I have seen phase separation as a phenomenon taking place.However I do not understand why this phenomenon occurs as a counter example to the natural laws of diffusion along the concentration...
18 July 2019 2,585 3 View
Stacking Faults and its association with partial dislocations seem to bother me day in and day out.With regard to this I do not understand how Partial dislocations lead to stacking faults and not...
16 July 2019 411 1 View
How do we arrive at this expression? That meu A will be equal in all phases then meu B will be equal in all phases and so on?
13 July 2019 401 3 View
In the given question is it not that the terms containing partial differential of pressure and temperature have switched the associations? Like dp should be in place of dT and dt should be in...
13 July 2019 3,527 4 View
Whenever there is a concept of diffusion involved and we need to decipher what is going to happen we tend to draw common tangent s in the phase field diagrams and decide which direction the...
05 July 2019 7,817 1 View
What is the significance of h^2+k^2+l^2 values in BCC and FCC?I have seen how h,k,l values are the ones which are relatable to the structure factor theorem and why all odd or all even and sum...
01 July 2019 7,828 3 View
I know that P2O5 production is favoured by increasing O content but why are we using high activity of FeO to favour dephosphorization?Please explain in detail keeping in mind that I am reading...
05 June 2019 7,890 10 View
Please check problem 5-11.Here they have calculated the dislocation density as 1/l^2.I know that there is an alternative way to calculate the number of dislocations by considering a test area and...
04 June 2019 5,300 3 View
The given below figure is the Gibbs free energy versus pressure plot for three phases, solid (S ), liquid (L ), and gas (G ), near the triple point for the one component system. It is known that...
03 June 2019 6,073 2 View
Lomer dislocation is sessile in FCC..Now how is it different from Lomer Corrtell?
02 June 2019 8,767 3 View
Proove that the dislocation reaction is vectorially correct a/2[10-1]-->a/6[21-1]+a/6[11-2]...Please solve this and tell me the approach.
27 May 2019 9,607 3 View
Please explain with reference to that of an undergrad level.
19 April 2019 8,189 3 View
Please explain me the process of microsegregation in case of nucleus with close reference to the diffusion mechanism that are involved at solute and solid liquid interface.
07 December 2018 5,501 10 View
I have drawn the cubic system and have marked the tetrahedral and octahedral voids myself(see attachment).However I do not understand why all of them will be having index (1/4,1/4,1/4).Someone...
04 November 2018 4,934 1 View
In this particualr question: "Assume that in order to determine the heat of formation of Carbon dioxide the folowing data was obtained: (i)Upon thee combustion of 0.6g of graphite to CO2 with...
26 October 2018 8,736 2 View
We know that hardening and brittleness go hand in hand in most of the cases.Please explain me what it means physically while it often confuses us when we realize that it is brittle.Please answer...
13 June 2018 2,854 10 View
I have seen that dV=0 is valid as long as necking doesn't start. How does volume change during necking?Does it lose matter?
11 June 2018 7,899 9 View
There is no doubt about the fact that true stain is logarithmic and engineering strain is linear.However it appears to be almost same for small deformation owing to small values in Taylor...
09 June 2018 7,035 6 View
For a cubic structure (namely FCC, BCC, or simple cubic) we can always draw a plane and predict the plane which has highest density of atoms. Is there any rule of thumb to arrive at such a plane?...
06 June 2018 4,003 4 View
Magnetite (Fe3O4) is being reduced in a fluidized bed at 1175 K by using CO.Total pressure is 3 atm. The iron(austenite) produced is to contain 1 wt%C.How many moles of CO need to be put in the...
01 January 1970 9,272 6 View
I had performed a Vicker's Harndness test on the two specimens of Cu and Al respectively .Despite the fact that both of them have the same stucture. How does the hardness vary so much?Please...
01 January 1970 2,382 4 View