26 Questions 389 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Omkar S. Kushwaha
What is all required for startups, and what we know about them ? What idea can be feasible ? Do you have any idea of what are the trade drawbacks on the following - What are Health effects...
16 October 2020 8,031 12 View
There must be a reason to work, so there must be an idea of pursuing research career. Let us share our experiences and motivate others. Do you have any idea of how it may impact the following...
16 October 2020 9,570 54 View
Why the world-map is debatable ? Do you have any idea of how it may impact the following - What are Health effects ? How it effects sustainability ? Is there any study on growth impacts ? What...
12 October 2020 6,092 5 View
PhD is considered as the highest degree one can get from the university and also is recognized worldwide. What is expected out of a PhD degree, the holder and the providing institutes ? What are...
12 October 2020 9,616 13 View
What is the significance of postdocs ? How industries see the Postdocs ? Do you have any idea of how it may impact the following - What are Health effects ? How it effects sustainability ? Is...
12 October 2020 424 3 View
It is expected that employees must work in a team or group and help each other. How you consider this philosophy. Does helping out everyone everywhere but not being getting credited anywhere is a...
12 October 2020 7,580 9 View
In the course of work-from home for more than a year, a work done completely at home needs institute affiliation or home's address ? How this works for the early stage researcher's who are very...
12 October 2020 2,547 3 View
What is your opinion ? Instead, there is advantage in terms of communication and understanding only ? Do you have any idea of how it may impact the following - What are Health effects ? How...
12 October 2020 4,715 3 View
We are looking for the equipments/tools to find out the composition of gas mixtures for one of our projects on gas separation. Do you have any idea of how it may impact the following - What...
05 October 2020 3,187 4 View
Do you think that it is beneficial for them to escape the self-citations and get highlighted ?
14 September 2020 6,150 38 View
What challenges you are facing?
10 September 2020 3,783 14 View
Does the pain really goes away or it is something else ??
09 September 2020 359 19 View
Sometimes people claim over safety features. Imagine a Computational researcher with Lab-Coat and Safety Goggles.
09 September 2020 3,425 12 View
DRDO developed a Hypersonic Test Demonstration Vehicle, a Scram-jet Engine which achieved speed 6 times of sound.
07 September 2020 6,250 7 View
Can you guess LHC's high temperature world Record at CERN ?
06 September 2020 3,023 5 View
Are you doing research in Energy and feel that the field is too competitive and may not result in any significant efficient technology in the near future ? Are you looking change the topic or...
31 August 2020 7,492 6 View
This is particularly significant when we are trying to understand the effect of organic or inorganic additives in polymer composites from the perspective of Effective Chemical Interaction with the...
24 August 2020 8,239 15 View
Or ATR-FTIR for study of chemical nature of surface of Films or Nanocomposites ? The idea is to study any chemical change occurred during aging analysis.
24 August 2020 3,594 21 View
Particulary for the gas molecules trapped within 3D frameworks. What are significant parameters for calculations?
21 August 2020 6,342 3 View
The United Arab Emirates is planning to tow icebergs from Antarctica to its coast to solve its issues with drinking water. How it can adversely impact on Environmental and Ecological balance.
16 May 2017 7,377 6 View
What is your opinion about the recent hypothesis ? Giant Underwater Craters May shed Light On Bermuda Triangle...
15 March 2016 9,873 7 View
For Bio-crude, Charcoal and Syn gas production. Which method is more economical ?
18 March 2015 9,306 6 View
Is there any report comparing all process of biomass conversion and their commercial implementation for cost analysis ?
04 February 2015 8,707 8 View
1) What are the factors affecting the efficiency of pyrolysis process? 2) Is there any standard method to calculate it? 3) How is pyrolysis different from liquefaction in terms of economics?
28 January 2015 9,710 8 View
How it is different from gasification in terms of commercial viability?
28 January 2015 5,689 7 View
If possible, please cite the references.
27 January 2015 894 15 View