53 Questions 63 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Olusegun D. Samuel
What is the approach to determine uncertainty in energy and inflation time vs. inflation pressure of tyre control unit? How do you measure the uncertainty of equipment adopted in the Regression...
12 July 2021 9,991 3 View
Dear RG, I am working on the waste gas from the refinery to electricity production. I propose to utilize Aspen Hysys Model from where conventional exergy will be evaluated. However, I'm unable to...
07 May 2021 5,721 1 View
How can one justify higher brake thermal efficiency of diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel having lower calorific value and higher cetane number compared to diesel fuel?
18 April 2020 4,724 6 View
can somebody share his academic goals and career development after Fellowship?
03 January 2020 1,650 3 View
Why is waste cooking oil or waste frying oil is interchangeable used for spent oils from households, restaurant and food industries ? Can somebody share relevant published work on this?
31 December 2019 8,533 3 View
Which is the best reactor for in-situ biodiesel production from seed and conversion of waste heat to power via adopting Organic Rankine Cycle?
20 November 2019 6,302 0 View
Can basic inferior fuel related properties of crude biomass pyrolysis oil (BPO) be attributed to the presence of polar compound such as various oxygenates, nitrogen heterocycles and...
25 September 2019 991 3 View
What is the significance of additive in Oil Sands Recovery Processes? What is the role of Mechanical Engineer with the adoption of additive for recovery?
06 August 2019 9,179 3 View
I read that a researcher reported that :the torque decrease with the increase in the engine speed as a result of a decrease in the force on the piston and crankshaft . Can it be true?
02 August 2019 747 7 View
What is the influence of catalyst as it related to oil-alcohol inter phase toward maximizing the yield of biodiesel production in hydrodynamic reactor?
18 July 2019 6,627 4 View
How can I diagrammatically explain hydrogen fuel production via Solar pathways?
24 April 2019 4,307 2 View
How do you employ solar energy to produce hydrogen fuel?
24 April 2019 9,185 5 View
With the aid of sketch, how can solar fuel can be adopted to produce water?
24 April 2019 2,732 1 View
What are the new discovery and latest invention/innovation in biodiesel production, future fuel and allied energy (hydrogen, fuel cell, etc?
15 April 2019 5,898 4 View
What are the latest innovations in biodiesel production, hydrogen and fuel cells?
13 April 2019 272 3 View
Can sombody give me information on mean temperature, annual rainfall, height, productivity on rubber plantation in Southern parts of Nigeria (such as Abia, Anambra, Akwa Ibom, River State,...
23 March 2019 6,335 2 View
What are the useful material and book for modeling biomass conversion processes using relevant tools (e.g., Aspen Plus)?
08 March 2019 6,871 2 View
How can i increase biodiesel production from the second generation and third generation? Also, how can problems such as seed selection, plant diseases, agricultural management, algae...
18 February 2019 9,504 9 View
Dear Scholars, What are the pyrolytic conditions for co-pyrolysis of agricultural waste and plastic using zeolite as a catalyst?
05 February 2019 7,681 5 View
Dear RG, How can you justify variation in the cavitation yield of biodiesel adopting various alcohol, catalyst and reactors?
05 February 2019 5,475 3 View
What is the best way to teach CFD/suitable lecture material to undergraduate students in Department of Mechanical Engineering?
29 December 2018 6,061 14 View
Dear All, How can I advise a friend who want t be a great researcher and publish his finding in high indexed journals? Kindly highlight your opinion.
17 November 2018 1,232 47 View
Kindly advise a scholar who wants to be a great researcher and wonderful spouse. The spouse has a lot of research work to do in laboratory, manuscript to submit and write-up for conference to...
17 November 2018 5,158 3 View
Dear All, I am trying to minimize the interface in the network, enhance the data rate. How will I ensure/carry out the following task: 1. Maximize power efficiency 2. increase the spectrum 3. Use...
04 September 2018 8,397 0 View
Dear All, How will I draw fault tree for a steam turbine power plant the followings?: air intake system instrument and service air system turbine gas system low pressure feed water system system...
14 August 2018 7,312 3 View
What are the procedures involved in modelling pyrolysis reactor or chemical reactor using Autodesk invetor?
28 July 2018 8,360 5 View
Can you share your view on the implementation of Autodesk invetor in development of a pyrolytic reactor model?
28 July 2018 153 0 View
What is the principle of particle swarm and Neuro-fuzzy logic and other soft computing and their suitability in pyrolytic process?
28 July 2018 9,363 3 View
Dear All, how do I establish a process development for integration of nanocellulose in biodiesel/bioethanol in a biorefinery or oscillaory baffled reactor? Is it feasibility and what will be...
18 June 2018 1,075 3 View
Dear All, What is the feasibility of bio-production from agricultural waste using gasification technique?
16 June 2018 6,423 4 View
Dear All, How can i draft a suitable personal statement as a Mechanical Engineer (Thermofluid option) detailing one's research career to date including prizes and achievements, and career and...
13 June 2018 7,747 6 View
Kindly share your design concept for optimal design production of pyrolysis reactor ? Regards, Dr. O.D. SAMUEL
01 June 2018 5,109 7 View
Dear Esteemed Colleagues, Can increase in hardness and tensile strength of metals exposed to biodiesel be linked with any of the following factors: 1. Inter molecular reaction of the metals...
28 April 2018 8,601 3 View
How can I design and fabricate & apply CFD in an ultrasound reactor for biodiesel production?
15 March 2018 9,068 3 View
Can somebody introduce a study material on exegetic loss of bio- oil from waste in a pyrolysis reactor using soft computing (ANN, RSM, particle swarm optimization, etc) to me?
19 February 2018 3,520 1 View
Dear Researchers, Kindly assist me to determine/derive chemical formulae for purebiodiesel (B100) and its blends (B7.5, B15, B22.5, B30, B37.5, B45and B60). The fatty acid composition is hereby...
06 September 2017 940 5 View
Great Researchers, Kindly brief me on the basic procedures on the exergetic assessment of a batch reactor adopted in producing biodiesel from hybrid oils [ jatropha (50%) and rubber (50%] using...
08 August 2017 8,076 3 View
Dear Researchers, My researcher group and students are at edge of adopting exergetic tool to determine ineffectiveness in parts of bioreactor and might result in employing Sankey and Grassmann...
04 August 2017 8,167 1 View
Dear Researchers, I want to design supersonic wind tunnel and carry out the following study such as shock-wave boundary layer interactions by performing experiments including schlieren imaging,...
29 July 2017 1,158 3 View
Dear Researcher, Somebody to explain kinetic study of hydrodynamic reactor utilized to produce biodiesel?
28 July 2017 7,664 4 View
I am working on corrosion rates of brass exposed to biodiesel-diesel blends. I was able to get the following relations: 1. Values of Corrosion rates of brass in biodiesel/diesel with (a)...
24 July 2017 2,434 5 View
I want to discern a correlation between corrosion rates and other properties of the fuel (besides its composition such as total acid number (TAN), kinematic viscosity (KV). In addition, I desire...
22 July 2017 995 2 View
Dear Researchers, I am desiging a reactor for biodiesel reactor. But I need a guidance on adoption of exergy methodology.
14 July 2017 9,670 5 View
marine, design, fabrication, Anyss, forces, design element, marine vessel, prototype, master thesis, project
18 May 2017 7,215 2 View
I was unable to understand the procedures employed in calculating exegy efficiency of microalgae biomass to biodiesel by Prof. Karimi, M in his article entitled "Karimi, M., 2017. Exergy-based...
21 January 2017 597 0 View
CFD, Rheology, Fluid mechanics
20 January 2017 1,579 3 View
Comprehensive Thesis/Project, Exergy, Second law, Thermodynamics
18 January 2017 1,699 2 View
Incinerator, Design, Procedures, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Mechanics of Machines, Fluid Mechanics, CAD
04 December 2016 5,894 2 View
Insitu transesterification, FAME, design, exergy, second laws of thermodynamics
14 July 2016 4,364 2 View
How can I apply exergy to fabricated biogas reactor and oil screw expeller?
14 July 2016 6,795 2 View
Exergo-economic analysis, second law of thermodynamics, transesterification, biodiesel, fluid mechanics, energy, exergy,
23 May 2016 6,162 1 View
Exergy, biodiesel, blends, Thermodynamics, diesel
19 May 2016 9,264 4 View
oil press, biogas plant
16 May 2016 9,755 3 View