120 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nolberto Munier
MCDM - Questioning the SIMUS method Ø What is SIMUS? SIMUS (Sequential Iterative Modelling for Urban Systems), is a MCDM method launched in 2011. It is owned by the School of Economics, National...
08 May 2024 648 0 View
Dear colleagues In many articles I read that AHP has a strong mathematical foundation. I wonder if somebody can explain mathematically each of the steps in the AHP and ANP. Specifically, I am...
04 May 2024 5,580 4 View
I explain here my poits of view. I would very much like the opinion of colleagues
24 August 2022 9,181 0 View
The immediately answer without too much thinking would possibly be: Yes, we need them, because not all criteria have the same importance, and this is true. Fine, now what are criteria weights?...
12 April 2021 3,427 36 View
For instance, if we have a criterion ‘price’ and increase it in say a 5%, is it real that other criterion like ‘demand’ vary its weigh lineally? Ir obviously can’t be right, since Economy says...
03 November 2017 9,593 25 View
I believe that it could be a valuable teaching tool, if someone in RG proposes a complex scenario, including as many as posible actual factors, many alternatives and criteria, Cycle of Life...
17 September 2017 5,773 2 View
How do you manage to introduce real aspects in your modelling? I mean, MCDM does not exactly mean filling data in a model and running it. Real aspects of the problem must forcefully be considered....
20 July 2017 2,732 8 View
One of the earliest uncertainties in applying a MCDM model is deciding which one to use, considering that are more than two dozens. The most known are AHP; ANP; SAW, MAUT/MAVT, TOPSIS, PROMETHEE,...
16 June 2017 8,932 39 View
Dear colleagues I want to thank those that request copies of my publications and many people have written me asking for them. It is an honor and a satisfaction that people think that they can...
01 January 1970 9,714 4 View
These are my comments on the paper published by Udaykamar Kashid and others
01 January 1970 8,059 1 View
Most MCDM problems use subjective weights mainly obtained from AHP. These weights are developed by preferences, qualified using a dubious table (as is the opinion of many researchers), and...
01 January 1970 3,299 5 View
In my opinion, AHP has many drawbacks that make it very difficult to use in MCDM problems, even being the most used method. In my opinion, this happens because many practitioners ignore the...
01 January 1970 9,312 9 View
Dear Mr.Ibrahim Badi and coauthors, Željko Stević , Muhammad Lawan Jibril I have read your paper “Using the MCDM Approach to Evaluate Smart and Sustainable Cities” These are my comments. 1- I...
01 January 1970 4,566 0 View
Dear Irik Mukhametzyanov and Dragan Pamucar I have read your paper Sensitivity analysis in MCDM problems: A statistical approach My comments: On page 3 you say “Consequentially, the...
01 January 1970 7,119 0 View
Dear: Jean Dezert , Albena Tchamovag, Deqiang Han, Jean-Marc Tacne Reference is made to your paper : The SPOTIS Rank Reversal Free Method for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Support My comments...
01 January 1970 6,619 1 View
Dear Mahmut I have read the paper that you and your colleagues wrote on: “Exploring the Specific Capacity of Different Multi Criteria Decision Making Approaches under Uncertainty using Data from...
01 January 1970 5,979 0 View
350 – An attempt to explain Rank Reversal (RR) and reasonable inferences for its manifestations Nolberto Munier Given a set of different alternatives or products subject to a set of criteria or...
01 January 1970 6,593 0 View
Dear Nguyen Hong Son,T ran Trung Hieu Reference is made to your article: SELECTION OF WELDING ROBOT BY MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION MAKING METHOD I have read your article and my comments are: 1. In...
01 January 1970 1,427 0 View
Dear Jakub Wieckowski , Zdzisław Szyjewskib I have read your paper: Practical Study of Selected Multi-Criteria Methods Comparison Here are some of my comments 1 You say “It can be seen that the...
01 January 1970 7,427 0 View
Dear Ivana Mladenovic and co-authors I have read your paper: “Multicriteria Decision Analysis of Sites with Increased Nutrient Contents in Water “ Here are my comments 1- It is no doubt a very...
01 January 1970 9,991 0 View
Dear Mr. Duong and coauthors I have read your article: “Expert opinion-based multi objective optimization: an application in plasma coating technology” And here are my comments: 1- In page 1...
01 January 1970 6,553 0 View
Dear Monayem Parvej, Soupayan Mitra, Shankha Shubhra Goswami Reference is made to your article: An Integrated Approach of AHP and TOPSIS for Optimum Selection of Renewable Energy Source I have...
01 January 1970 6,675 2 View
Dear colleagues Along the years I have written many papers on MCDM on almost every aspect. From them, I have selected 40 articles addressing different topics. Often one topic has more than one...
01 January 1970 4,994 7 View
Dear Mohammad Masfiqul Alam Bhuiyan and Ahmed Hamma I read your paper: A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Selecting the Most Sustainable Structural Material for a Multistory...
01 January 1970 9,091 4 View
Dear Nguyen Hong Son, Tran Trung Hieu, Nguyen Manh Thang, Huynh Nhu Tan, Nguyen Tien Can, Nguyen Chi Bao I have read your paper CHOOSING THE BEST MACHINE TOOL IN MECHANICAL MANUFACTURING And these...
01 January 1970 7,369 0 View
Dear Xu, Tianming Liu, Wei; Zhu, Zicheng I read your paper: Multi-criteria decision-making methods applied to achieve sustainable design: A systematic review My comments 1- in the Abstract you...
01 January 1970 5,164 0 View
Dear Ms. Dobricic and Milica Dobričić, Mladen Šljivović , Milena Cvetković I have read your article 1- In page 3 you say “In recent years, an increasing number of authors believe that SWOT...
01 January 1970 5,960 0 View
Dear Majid Baseer, Christian Ghiaus * , Roxane Viala , Ninon Gauthier and Souleymane Daniel I read your paper pELECTRE-Tri: Probabilistic ELECTRE-Tri Method—Application for the Energy Renovation...
01 January 1970 8,553 0 View
Dear Mahak Bhatia, Aled Williams I have read your paper Selection of Criteria Using MCDM Techniques - An Application in Renewable Energy My comments are as follows: 1- Using MCDM to determine...
01 January 1970 695 0 View
Dear Mr. Rukhshanda Rehman , Muhammad Sagheer Aslam , Elzbieta Jasinska, Muhammad Faisal Javed and Miroslava Gono I read your paper “Guidelines for the Technical Sustainability Evaluation of the...
01 January 1970 2,500 0 View
Dear Wojcieh Salabun and coauthors: Bartłomiej Kizielewicz , Andrii Shekhov Reference is made to your article “ pymcdm—The universal library for solving multi-criteria decision-making...
01 January 1970 2,305 4 View
Dear Ms. Uribe and co-authors I have read with great interest your paper: “A SUDS Planning Decision Support Tool to Maximize Ecosystem Services” My comments are as follows: 1- The paper...
01 January 1970 4,147 0 View
Dear Sofian Boukhari Thank you for your request to review your article Utilizing a combined Delphi-FAHP-TOPSIS technique to assess the effectiveness of the water supply service in Algeria These...
01 January 1970 3,031 0 View
Dear Mohamad Shahiir Saidin, Lai Soon Lee, Siti Mahani Marjugi , Muhammad Zaini Ahmad and Hsin-Vonn Seow I have read your paper Fuzzy Method Based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC) for...
01 January 1970 8,846 0 View
Dear Mr. Gomez-Romero and co-authors I read your paper “Methodology that Combines Multi-criteria Methods for Decision-Making, Hierarchical Analytical Process and the Goal Programming, and Their...
01 January 1970 6,436 0 View
Dear colleagues Please open the attached file (I could't load it in here because it has graphics that are not reprodced) As it title says uit is an attempt to explain Rank Reversal and its...
01 January 1970 9,068 0 View
Dear Jurgita Antuviciene and coauthors I have read your paper: “An Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision Model to Select Sustainable Construction Projects under Intuitionistic Fuzzy...
01 January 1970 2,234 0 View
Dear Mr. Mr. Zeljko Stevic and coauthors. I have read the article “Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model for Evaluating Safety of Road Sections” and here is my feedback. It is really a very...
01 January 1970 5,657 0 View
Dear Susmita Bandyopadhyay Reference is made to your paper A novel multi-criteria decision analysis technique incorporating demanding essential characteristics of existing MCDA techniques Here...
01 January 1970 2,314 0 View
Dear Nuh Keleş I have read your paper Measuring performances through multiplicative functions by modifying the MEREC method: MEREC-G and MEREC-H My comments 1- In page 3 you say “Various...
01 January 1970 8,422 0 View
Dear Milan Dordevic, Rade Tešić, Srdjan Todorović , Miloš Jokić , Dillip Kumar Das, Željko Stević, and Sabahudin Vrtagic Reference is made to your paper “Development of Integrated Linear...
01 January 1970 3,525 2 View
Article Determination of Objective Weights Using a New Method Based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC) Mehdi Keshavarz-Ghorabaee , Maghsoud Amiri , Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas , Zenonas...
01 January 1970 4,084 0 View
Dear Priyanka Majumdera, Amrit Das, Ibrahim M. Hezam Al-Mishnanah, Darko Božanić I have read your article: “Integrated BWM-TOPSIS-I Approach to Determine the Ranking of Alternatives and...
01 January 1970 5,868 0 View
Dear Bognar Reference is made to your article: “Development of the PRISM Risk Assessment Method Based on a Multiple AHP-TOPSIS Approach” It is indeed an important article since risk is not a...
01 January 1970 3,879 0 View
Dear Goran Petrovic , Jelena Mihajlovic , Danijel Markovic , Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani * and Miloš Madic I have read you paper Comparison of Aggregation Operators in the Group Decision-Making...
01 January 1970 5,002 0 View
# 105 Dear Yingfang Li , Xingxing He, Luis Martínez , Jiafeng Zhang , Danchen Wang , Xueqin Amy Liu I read your paper “Comparative analysis of three categories of multi-criteria decision-making...
01 January 1970 2,282 0 View
Dear Virginia Perez-Benitez, German Gemar, and Mónica Hernández I have read your paper Multi-Criteria Analysis for Business Location Decisions These are my comments 1- In your abstract you say...
01 January 1970 4,602 0 View
Dear Anissa Frini, Sarah Benamor and Bruno Urli I have read your paper Temporal MCDA Methods for Decision-Making in Sustainable Development Context My comments are: 1- In page 3 you say “These...
01 January 1970 7,450 0 View
Dear Mahmut Baydas, Tevfik Eren, Željko Stević, Vitomir Starčevic I read your paper Proposal for an objective binary benchmarking framework that validates each other for comparing MCDM methods...
01 January 1970 295 0 View
# 106 The uncertainty related to the inexactitude of prioritization based on c onsistent pairwise comparisons Pawel Tadeusz Kazibudzki Dear colleague I have read your well documented and...
01 January 1970 7,237 0 View
Dear Edy Budiman Ummul Hairah I read your article Comparison of linear and vector data normalization techniques in decision making for learning quota assistance My comments 1- In page 1 you...
01 January 1970 5,481 0 View
Dear Adis Puška, Ilija Stojanovic, Anđelka Štilić I read your paper The Influence of Objective Weight Determination Methods on Electric Vehicle Selection in Urban Logistics My comments are: 1-...
01 January 1970 2,909 0 View
Dear Sandile Thamie Mhlanga and Manoj Lall I have read your paper Influence of Normalization Techniques on Multicriteria Decision-making Methods My comments: 1- In page 4 you say “The AHP...
01 January 1970 3,542 0 View
# 102 Dear Tran Van Dua I read your article: Development of a new multi-criteria decisionmaking method My comments: 1- In the abstract you say: “That difference is reflected in the fact that...
01 January 1970 5,286 2 View
Dear Reda M. S. Abdulaal and Omer A. Bafai I have read your paper Two New Approaches (RAMS-RATMI) in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Tactics These are my comments 1- Page 1, you say “MCDM...
01 January 1970 8,453 0 View
Dear Pantelis Sotirelis · Panagiotis Nakopoulos · Theodora Valvi · Evangelos Grigoroudis · Elias Carayannis I have read your article Measuring Smart City Performance: A Multiple Criteria...
01 January 1970 3,198 0 View
Dear Zaher Sepehrian , Sahar Khoshfetrat , and Said Ebad I read your paper Approach for Generating Weights Using the Pairwise Comparison Matrix My comments: 1- In page 1, you say” Several...
01 January 1970 6,680 0 View
Dear Antonella Petrillo, Valerio Antonio Pamplona Salomon, Claudemir Leif Tramarico I read your paper State-of-the-Art Review on the Analytic Hierarchy Process with Benefits, Opportunities,...
01 January 1970 2,901 2 View
Dear Bartłomiej Kizielewicz , Jakub Więckowski , Andrii Shekhovtsov , Jarosław Wątróbsk , Radosław Depczyński , Wojciech Sałabun I have read your paper Study towards the time-based MCDM ranking...
01 January 1970 3,556 0 View
Dear Hoang Xuan Thinh, Nguyen Trong Mai, Nguyent Trong Mai I read your paper Comparison of two methods in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making: Application in transmission rod material...
01 January 1970 9,913 0 View
# 103 Dear Igor pinheiro de araujo costa , Isaque david pereira de almeida , Miguel angelo lellis moreira , Adilson vilarinho terra , Sergio mitihiro do nascimento maeda , Carlos francisco simoes...
01 January 1970 3,316 0 View
# 104 Dear Rajko Ković, Miloš Milenković I have read your paper A two-step approach for selection of railway modernization projects based on Analytic Hierarchy Process My comments 1- In page 2...
01 January 1970 2,493 0 View
# 107 Dear David Jorge-García , Vicente Estruch-Guitart , Pablo Aragones-Beltran I have read your paper: How does the type of MCDM method affect the results of the prioritization and assessment...
01 January 1970 6,862 0 View
Dear Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes, Francisco Sousa, Teresa Pereira, Marisa Oliveira I read your paper Multicriteria Methodology for Selection of a Personal Electric Vehicle My comments 1-...
01 January 1970 8,598 0 View
Dear Wojcieh Salabun and coauthors I read your paper How Do the Criteria Affect Sustainable Supplier Evaluation? - A Case Study Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods in a Fuzzy...
01 January 1970 9,596 3 View
Healthcare Facilities Redesign Using Multicriteria Decision-Making: Fuzzy TOPSIS and Graph Heuristic Theories Dear Mr. Hassansain and colleagues. I read with great interest your paper since for...
01 January 1970 8,203 2 View
Dear Malek Hassanpour , Dragan Pamučar Reference is made to your paper Evaluation of Iranian household appliance industries using MCDM models My comments are: According to the title you want...
01 January 1970 9,383 0 View
Dear Tran Van Dua I have read your paper Combination of design of experiments and simple additive weighting methods: a new method for rapid Multi-Criteria Decision Making My comments 1- In my...
01 January 1970 3,040 0 View
Dear Adis Puška , Miroslav Nedeljkovic, Živce Šarkocevic , Zoran Golubovic , Vladica Risti, Ilija Stojanovic Reference is made to your article Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery Using...
01 January 1970 4,674 0 View
Dear Shanmugasundar , Gaurav Sapkota , Robert Cep and Kanak Kalita I have read your paper: Application of MEREC in Multi-Criteria Selection of Optimal Spray-Painting Robot And my comments...
01 January 1970 6,643 0 View
Dear Federico Gabriel Camargo I have read your paper: Fuzzy multi-objective optimization of the energy transition towards renewable energies with a mixed methodology My comments: 1- In page 1...
01 January 1970 6,696 0 View
Proposal for an objective binary benchmarking framework that validates each other for comparing MCDM methods through data analytics Mahmut Baydaş1 , Tevfik Eren1 , Željko Stević2 , Vitomir...
01 January 1970 2,040 2 View
# 109 Dear Shervin Zakeri , Prasenjit Chatterjee , Dimitri Konstantas , Fatih Ecer I have read your article: A comparative analysis of simple ranking process and faire un Choix Adéquat...
01 January 1970 7,473 0 View
Dear Darius Danesh, Mike Ryan, Alireza Abbasi I read your article Using The Analytic Hierarchy Process as a Decision-Making Tool in Project Portfolio Management My comments 1- In page 1 you...
01 January 1970 5,373 0 View
# 111 Dear Abbas El Toufaili, Dario Pozzetto, Elio Padoano, Luca Toneatti, and Ghassan Fakhoury I read your article Selection of a Suitable Waste to Energy Technology for Greater Beirut Area...
01 January 1970 7,008 6 View
Dear MarizaTsakalerou, Damianos Efthymiadis & AlmatAbilez I have read your paper An intelligent methodology for the use of multi‑criteria decision analysis in impact assessment: the case of...
01 January 1970 8,463 0 View
Dear Sana Hafdhi , Jalel Euchi I have read your paper Designing of new proposed technique for the multi-attribute choice problems: Application to the selection of renewable energy technologies...
01 January 1970 1,895 0 View
# 126 Dear Alessio Ishizaka · Enrique MU I read your paper What is so special about the analytic hierarchy and network process? My comments First of all, I want to congratulate you for your...
01 January 1970 7,574 2 View
I# 119 Dear Tran Van Dua, Duong Van Duc, Nguyen Chi Bao, Do Duc Trung I read your paper Integration of objective weighting methods for criteria and MCDM methods: Application in material...
01 January 1970 920 0 View
Dear Ram Kumar Dhurkari I have read your paper MCDM methods: Practical difficulties and future directions for improvement My comments: 1- In page 1, you say“The paper also emphasizes why a...
01 January 1970 544 0 View
# 121 Dear J. A. N. N. Jayakody, M. C. M. Nasvi , D. J. Robert , S. K. Navaratnarajah , L. C. Kurukulasuriya , F. Giustozzi , C. Gunasekara , S. Setunge I read your paper Development of a...
01 January 1970 9,349 0 View
# 114 Dear R. M. Zulqarnain , M. Saeed , N. Ahmad2, F. Dayan , B. Ahmad I read your paper Application of TOPSIS Method for Decision Making My comments 1- In page 76 you state “Almost in all...
01 January 1970 3,173 0 View
# 101 Dear Nik Muhammad Farhan Hakim NikKu; Muhammad Naim Ku Khalif; Nor Izzati Jaini I read your paper Analytic Hierarchy Process based on the magnitude of z-numbers My comments: 1- What is...
01 January 1970 3,909 0 View
# 116 Dear Valerio Antonio Pamplona Salomon, and Luiz Flavio Autran Monteiro Gomes I read your paper Consistency Improvement in the Analytic Hierarchy Process My comments: 1. In the abstract...
01 January 1970 5,866 0 View
# 130 Dear Igor Sbovoda and Dmytro Lande I read your paper Enhancing Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis with AI: Integrating Analytic Hierarchy Process and GPT-4 for Automated Decision...
01 January 1970 7,870 1 View
# 115 Dear Aqeel Asaad Al Salem I read your paper Investigating Rank Reversal in Preference Relation Based on Additive Consistency: Causes and Possible Solutions My comments: 1- In the abstract...
01 January 1970 7,402 0 View
# 113 Dear Wenguang Yang and Yunjie Wu I read your paper: New Improvement Method to Avoid Rank Reversal in VIKOR These are my comments 1 – In the abstract you say “The phenomenon of rank...
01 January 1970 8,441 0 View
# 117 Dear Lidija Kraujalienė I read your article Comparative analysis of multicriteria decision-making methods evaluating the efficiency of technology transfer My comment I understand the...
01 January 1970 6,689 0 View
# 103 Dear Nazanin Vafaei, Rita A. Ribeiro, Luis M. Camarinha-Matos I read your paper Selecting Normalization Techniques for the Analytical Hierarchy Process My comments 1- In the Abstract you...
01 January 1970 592 0 View
# 128 Dear Onwusameka Sonny Ogbowuokara, Tambari Gladson Leton, John Nwenearizi Ugbebor, Ochuko Felix Orikpete I have read your paper The relative contribution of various anthropogenic sources...
01 January 1970 1,215 0 View
# 118 Dear Mahmut Baydas , Mustafa Kavacık , Zhiyuan Wang I read your paper: Does the Performance of MCDM Rankings Increase as Sensitivity Decreases? Graphics Card Selection and Pattern...
01 January 1970 6,991 0 View
# 120 Dear Hamed Taherdoost, and Mitra Madanchian I read your paper Comprehensive Review of Applications, Advantages, and Limitations My comments 1.- In page 2 you say that ANP is a new form of...
01 January 1970 2,371 0 View
# 125 Dear Nelson Kevin Sinisterra-Solís , Neus Sanjuan , Javier Ribal , Vicent Estruch , Gabriela Clemente , Stelios Rozakis I have read your article Developing a composite indicator to assess...
01 January 1970 5,647 0 View
Dear Marco Cinelli , Peter Burgherr , Miłosz Kadzinski , Roman Słowinski I have read your paper Proper and improper uses of MCDA methods in energy systems analysis My comments 1- In the...
01 January 1970 2,075 0 View
# 129 Dear Sarra Daimi, Sonia Rebai Sustainability performance assessment of Tunisian public transport companies: AHP and ANP approaches My comments: 1. In page 4 you say “Although each method...
01 January 1970 4,702 0 View
# 127 Dear Maja Mrkić-Bosančić, Srđan Vasković , Petar Gvero and Gojko Krunić I read your paper Optimal energy mix in relation to Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), review and further...
01 January 1970 1,723 0 View
Dear Marcos dos Santos , Igor Pinheiro de Araújo Costa, Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes I have read your paper Multi Criteria Decision-Making in the selection of warships: A new approach to the...
01 January 1970 6,704 0 View
# 112 Dear Majid Mohammadi, Damian A. Tamburri, Jafar Rezae I read you paper Unveiling and Unraveling Aggregation and Dispersion Fallacies in Group MCDM My comments 1- In page 3 you say” While...
01 January 1970 8,726 0 View
Dear Hamed Taherdoost, Mitra Madanchian I have read your paper Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method: A Comprehensive Review of Applications, Advantages, and Limitation These are my...
01 January 1970 1,567 0 View
# 122 Dear Fatemeh Parvaneh and Ahmed Hammad I read your paper: Application of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) to Select the Most Sustainable Power-Generating Technology My comments: 1-...
01 January 1970 6,430 0 View
Dear Jonathas Vinícius Gonzaga Alves Araujo , Miguel Ângelo Lellis Moreira , Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes , Marcos dos Santos, Luana de Azevedo de Oliveira , Gabriel Pereira de Oliveira Capela ,...
01 January 1970 846 0 View
Considering that AHP and ANP are flawed methods, as various researchers have expressed and proved in RG. I wonder which is the reason that many people are still using them. Other than the relative...
01 January 1970 2,154 16 View
# 132 Dear Omar Sharaf-addeen Alansary and Tareq Al-Ansari I read your paper: Developing a Strategic Sustainability Assessment Methodology for Free Zones Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process...
01 January 1970 6,020 0 View
# 131 I read your paper Data Normalization for Root Assessment Methodology My comments: 1- In page 1 you say “According to the proponent of the RAM method, this method has the advantage of...
01 January 1970 7,940 0 View
# 136 Dear Meervat R. Altaie, Marwa M. Dishar I read your paper: Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Identify the Challenges and Priorities of Reconstruction Projects in Iraq My...
01 January 1970 7,300 0 View
# 135 DearMohammad Amin Vaziri Rad , Habib Forootan Fard , Kian Khazanedari , Ashkan Toopshekan , Shiva Ourang , Majid Khanali , Shiva Gorjian , Leila Fereidooni , Alibakhsh Kasaeian I read your...
01 January 1970 136 0 View
# 134 Dear Hameedullah Zaheb, Obaidullah Obaidi, Sarban Mukhtar 3, Habiburahman Shirani , Mikaeel Ahmadi I read your paper: Comprehensive Analysis and Prioritization of Sustainable Energy...
01 January 1970 6,880 0 View
# 133 Dear Onwusameka Sonny Ogbowuokara , Tambari Gladson Leton John Nwenearizi Ugbebor, Ochuko Felix Orikpete I read your paper Assessing the relative contribution of various anthropogenic...
01 January 1970 3,101 0 View
Dear Ms. Mónica Garcia Melón and co-authors Reference is made to you article “Adapting RRI public engagement indicators to the Spanish scientific and innovation context: a participatory...
01 January 1970 3,432 0 View
Since this is a technical forum and considering the paper that Nikola Kadoic has written and published in RG, I understand that it is subject to discussion. I understand that Nikola, in this...
01 January 1970 2,459 19 View
#147 Dear Jean Dezert, Andrii Shekhovtsov, Wojciech Sałabun, Albena Tchamova I read your paper: On Optimal Solution of the Compromise Ranking Problem My comments: 1- It is for me the first time...
01 January 1970 3,855 0 View
# 146 Dear Zohair Qadem , Yasir Abduljaleel , Mustapha Amiri , Abdelghani Qadem , Mohamed Lasri , Oussama Obda , Henrique Pizzo , Ali Salem I read your paper: Identification of Optimal...
01 January 1970 4,539 0 View
# 144 Dear Hamed Taherdoost, Mitra Madanchian I read your paper A Comprehensive Overview of the ELECTRE Method in MultiCriteria Decision-Making My comments 1-In page 2you say “The ELECTRE...
01 January 1970 7,407 2 View
# 145 Dear Muhammad Junaid, Uzair Khaleeq uz Zaman, Afshan Naseem, Yasir Ahmad, Anas Bin Aqeel I have read your article: Material Selection in Additive Manufacturing for Aerospace Applications...
01 January 1970 7,394 0 View
# 140 Dear Irik Z. Mukhametzyanov , Dragan Pamucar I read your paqper "Thin" Structure of Relations in MCDM Models. Equivalence of the MABAC, TOPSIS(L1) and RS Methods to the Weighted Sum...
01 January 1970 1,430 0 View
# 141 Dear Luis Serrano-Gomez , Isabel C. Gil-García , M. Socorro García-Cascales, and Ana Fernández-Guillamón I read your paper article: Improving the Selection of PV Modules and Batteries for...
01 January 1970 2,522 0 View
# 139 363 – Suggestion for choosing the most appropriate MCDM method to solve a certain problem Author: Nolberto Munier Dear colleagues This is an old problem still unsolved, and probably it...
01 January 1970 2,526 0 View
# 143 Dear Hamed Taherdoost I have read your paper: Analysis of Simple Additive Weighting Method (SAW) as a MultiAttribute Decision-Making Technique: A Step-by-Step Guide My comments: 1- In...
01 January 1970 6,813 0 View
# 142 Dear Hamed Taherdoost* and Mitra Madanchian I read your paper Using PROMETHEE Method for Multi-Criteria Decision Making: Applications and Procedures My comments: 1- In the abstract you...
01 January 1970 8,638 0 View
# 138 Dear Pedro Villanueva, Sergio Bona, Rubén Lostado-Lorza and Fernando Veiga I read your paper: Morphological Design of a Bicycle Propulsion Component Using the Hierarchical Analysis...
01 January 1970 6,879 0 View