20 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Najme Mohammadyahya
I want to measure the output voltage of a three-ports network, which has a small input impedance ( 0.04+4.8i). I connected the input port to the signal generator, and output ports to the spectrum...
20 July 2022 7,724 0 View
I added a material in HFSS as a ferrite material, as I know in HFSS magnetic saturation must be non-zero. But my question is that how much other properties are important? for example, I changed...
06 April 2022 4,146 5 View
I have a terminal in my model as the input terminal, it has two references (because I want those two parts be the ground , so I chose both as reference), and one excitation terminal, I want to...
14 March 2022 6,416 0 View
I want to know that How can I measure the magnetic flux density in HFSS? I have a box in my model that I defined as a magnetic media, I want to measure the magnetic flux density that is generate...
04 March 2022 3,564 2 View
I have model that I want analyze it with different materials, but I want to have same meshing for all simulations, in order to compare the effect of the material. I was wondering is there any...
02 March 2022 5,811 4 View
if I have a two port model with unknown characteristic impedance (for sure it is not 50ohm), and I want assign two Lumped port (solution type is driven terminal), and define one of them as input...
03 February 2022 1,184 3 View
If I had a hcG LFA, how can I find the number of nanoparticles that are used as reporters, in test line and control line ?
06 January 2022 2,660 1 View
if we have two terminal in our model, that only one of them is excited by 0.5v incident and the other one is 0, is Z11 equals to load impedance (impedance of whole hfss model). Also, I want to...
01 November 2021 2,994 3 View
I have a model that I want to know its impedance. The model is excited by lumped port (0.5V incident voltage which equals to 1V of source in experiment ). the characteristic of port is 50ohm. I...
31 October 2021 1,393 3 View
I know that if I assign boundary RLC, I can define resistor, but I want to define a resistor that is between an object (box) and ground. I want to know that is it a good way to draw a box as...
08 October 2021 8,518 0 View
I want to apply 1v to the lumped port, when in project tree I right click on Excitation and choose edit source there are two options, (Incident voltage and Total voltage), I want to know what is...
06 October 2021 6,389 5 View
in HFSS, when we want to calculate the voltage along a line, we should use calculator and get the integral of electrical field long the line, the result is complex number, I want to know what is...
01 October 2021 9,313 6 View
Hello In the model that I have, I used lumped port as excitation because I need 1 volt source, when I choose solution type Modal, the result (voltage in output) is around 1mv as I expected, but...
27 September 2021 5,755 7 View
I want to connect a coaxial cable to a model that I have, and I need to define excitation as lumped port because I need to have 1V. can anyone help me? when my solution type is terminal, I do not...
20 September 2021 9,866 0 View
I have a sensor that the PCB is made of Polyamide, I want to glue it to a rigid PCB. can anyone help me to find the best glue for it? I want to be very smooth.
13 September 2021 7,920 8 View
I have a SMA connector, that I use in lab for connecting the sensor I build to the wave generator and spectrum analyzer. The result that I gave was very different with the HFSS simulation result,...
08 September 2021 9,382 14 View
I need IronOxide as material, and I cannot find it in materials in HFSS, if I want to "Add material", should I define all properties? because I only have the volume susceptibility which lead to...
19 August 2021 8,566 4 View
in my model I draw a box with dimension (1mm*0.2*mm8.48e-6mm). Before adding this box in my model , the simulation worked well, but now it has an error and stop simulation. I would appreciate it...
18 August 2021 9,297 5 View
I have a model in HFSS that I attached its picture that show the current surface, as it is shown there is no current from corners to the end, I want to know the reason, and if anyone can help me...
27 July 2021 2,066 14 View
How can I measure phase difference between two points in a model in ANSYS HFSS? The model has one port that is excited by lumped port and I am using driven terminal. I want to know that is there...
19 July 2021 3,191 3 View