30 Questions 32 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammad Royapoor
Does anyone know how G to A++++ energy labels are assigned for residential properties in the Netherlands? for instance I understand that between 0 to 50 kWh/m2/yr. of energy consumption will...
13 May 2022 5,253 0 View
I am using an evolutionary-based GA optimisation tool that divides the space of possibilities into subsets to perform hypercube sampling within each subset, and thereafter generates multiple...
19 October 2021 979 11 View
Can anyone recommend a 'robust reference' that covers the percentage of electrical input into computers that does useful work (operating fans/pushing electrons around, computational duties) and...
11 April 2021 2,800 3 View
Is there any relationship between the tendency of a gas to leak from containers/pipework and its molar weight? For instance, given smaller molar mass of hydrogen (2.016 g/mol) compared to 16...
18 March 2021 5,011 3 View
Can anyone offer sources that offer error (or uncertainty) bands to be applied to the annual energy production (AEP) of wind turbines that are calculated from mean annual wind speeds? AEPs are...
24 February 2021 1,953 3 View
Can anyone please suggest any literature that reports on H2 production efficiencies? For instance photosynthesis delivers H2 at very modest efficiencies of around 1.5% and conversion values of up...
07 January 2021 3,379 3 View
Can anybody please direct me to an authoritative source that reports the energy density of natural gas both in gaseous and liquid forms?
26 October 2020 1,982 3 View
I have the following 'ranges' that describe the full breadth of uncertainty range from a number of interdependent parameter inputs in building energy simulation. There is no single formula that...
15 June 2020 5,683 0 View
We are working on a large number of building-related time series data sets that display various degrees of 'randomness'. When plotted, some display recognisable diurnal or seasonal patterns that...
07 April 2020 2,894 6 View
I am intrigued to know if any document/reference exists that mentions the typical duration of congestion on electrical grids, be it transmission or distribution lines. I know that peak demands...
08 January 2020 1,532 6 View
I have seem active power ramp rates defined across 60 second intervals (or a minute), with the corresponding units reading as MW/min or kW/min. I am working with original active power data that...
20 December 2019 6,556 3 View
I wondered if anyone knows of regulatory requirements or building standards/codes around the world that obliges developers / builders to incorporate demand side response (DSR) in their...
05 December 2019 4,528 1 View
A group of my female colleagues are looking to form a partnership with an active senior researcher in the area of transport, preferably in France or Belgium (but other EU nations too). This is a...
12 November 2019 6,464 0 View
I work within a research team that is trying to ship a 10kWh li-ion battery and 2kW PV roll from UK to Kenya and we have been struggling to find agents that can undertake the shipment. Does...
29 August 2019 1,885 2 View
Does anybody have any recommendations on household-level wind turbines (around 2kW) that could generate as a part of a local nano-grid? I am looking to specify a robust, decently made unit with...
05 July 2019 5,079 1 View
We are planning to deploy some PV rolls in Sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to the PV specifications, we have the following climatic data from the deployment site: + Global and diffused solar...
20 June 2019 1,031 3 View
Does anybody have a strong experience of multi-vector energy systems modeling using existing tools? Suggestions on modeling tools that can do transport, power and heating system modeling in an...
23 May 2019 6,355 2 View
I am interested in the range of prices proposed for carbon tax in order to help national/global carbon reduction targets/ambitions. Does anybody know of any scientific literature or reputable...
28 November 2018 1,785 0 View
I would be grateful if anybody can direct me to literature that reports on the observed thermal and electrical efficiencies of small-scale natural gas-powered CHP engines (i.e.
05 November 2018 7,867 3 View
I know a wide range of tools are available for data analytics, imputation and visualisation. I would love to hear the experience of others on the best tools for analysing large volumes of data and...
31 July 2018 5,441 3 View
Hello all There is a vast amount of literature, some very old indeed, that talk about solar irradiation component modelling. I want to break global measurements (in W/m2) to its direct and...
06 June 2018 9,757 10 View
Can anybody suggest any source (or referenced figures) for plans to decarbonise natural gas in the UK? The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) suggests a target of 50 gCO2e/kWh of UK grid...
26 March 2018 2,256 3 View
If a bivalent heat pump unit serving a water-based circuit (that heats and cools an office) is working between evaporating at 5°C and condensing at 45°C, from a refrigerant condition point of...
21 January 2018 8,693 3 View
I am working on a CFD analysis of a 80m2 greenhouse used for drying seeds. The space has 8 shelves stacked at 4 different heights and openable windows for excess moisture and heat to be removed. I...
27 January 2017 4,720 6 View
If water is collected from a river in the UK for cooling/industrial process purposes, what thermal lift limitations are placed on the return flow to the river? Is there a maximum allowable value...
29 February 2016 6,216 3 View
I wonder if anybody knows of a reference that sets out acceptable upper limits to indoor air velocities in office spaces? I know ASHRAE thermal comfort charts count up to 1.5m/s, but is there any...
13 November 2014 6,158 19 View
I have failed to find a source of information that sets a maximum allowable natural ventilation rate in buildings. Surely there must be a threshold above which the draft will become impractical...
15 November 2012 7,217 11 View
I have built quite an accurate virtual model of an existing building and when I simulate it, the output energy results (peaks/patterns/annual totals) are very close to the metered energy data that...
02 November 2012 4,420 9 View
Does anybody know of an authoritative source for ‘parasitic electricity consumption’ in buildings?
11 September 2012 3,835 8 View
I wondered if colleagues with practical experience of GSHP technologies can offer thoughts on where the most novel areas for innovation for GSHPs might lie? Would it be the development and...
01 January 1970 9,681 0 View