16 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jennifer Leong
Dear researchers, I used one PBS tablet from Merck and dissolved it in 1L of deionized water, giving 1x PBS. Before autoclave, the PBS solution is clear but after autoclave, the solution becomes...
12 August 2020 4,344 2 View
Dear researchers, May I know how to make 10N of NaCl solution? I used the equation below : To prepare 10mL of 10N of NaCl, Weight(g)= Normality (N) x Equaivalent weight of substances x...
10 August 2020 7,492 6 View
Dear researchers, May I know what is the advantage of using ammonium sulphate to do protein extraction? Thank you.
07 August 2020 5,121 5 View
Dear researchers, I would like to ask is it necessary to do Elution of proteins from Polyacrylamide gel before sending the protein sample to Nano-LC-TOF-MS Analysis? This is what I plan, I would...
02 August 2020 3,862 3 View
Dear researchers, May I know is that necessary to add NaCl into the Bradford reagent while doing Bradford assay ? Thank you.
23 July 2020 2,734 8 View
Dear researchers, Based on the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QThSKVXG7qM&t=1s I have some questions: 1) for extraction solvent, May I know what types of water and methanol...
08 April 2020 3,292 0 View
Dear researchers, May I know what is the protocol for metabolite extraction from cells infected with virus? Thank you.
06 April 2020 2,183 0 View
Dear researchers, May I know what should I do in order to know what metabolites are produced by Vero cells during treated with plant extracts? Thank you.
06 April 2020 6,384 0 View
Dear researchers, May I know how to know what metabolites will be produced by the cells from experiment (Wetlab): 1) Cell (cell culture) 2) Cell infected with virus 3) Cell treated with plant...
01 April 2020 6,040 3 View
Dear researchers, How to make elution buffer for SDS-PAGE? There is a lot of protocol to make elution buffer, but they didn't show the amount of each ingredient needed. thank you.
26 March 2020 8,533 4 View
Dear researchers, May I know do anyone can suggest the protocol of protein elution from SDS PAGE ? Any simple and inexpensive methods? Thank you.
25 March 2020 2,241 13 View
Dear researchers, I'm currently doing a study regarding on antiviral mechanism of selected plant using metabolomic approach. Plant extract (fruit) will be used and the virus model will be used is...
22 March 2020 6,058 2 View
Dear researchers, Are Metabolite extraction which done in bacteria same as virus? Thank you.
04 March 2020 3,660 3 View
Dear researchers, I found a lot of Protein extraction and metabolite extraction protocol on the website. I have no ideas on which protocol I should use .... May I know do anyone can suggest me a...
19 February 2020 534 3 View
Dear researchers, I would like to carry out dialysis on my plant extract before carrying out SDS-PAGE. Beside 0.2M sodium acetate buffer (pH 5) can as dialysis buffer, may I know which dialysis...
19 February 2020 1,922 2 View
Hello, I cultured my bacteria (samples from skin) and incubate them in aerobic and anaerobic condition respectively. OF glucose test for an organisms which is incubate under anaerobic condition...
29 January 2019 848 3 View