34 Questions 63 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ijaz Fazil Syed Ahmed Kabir
I need two model heat exhanger between air and water. But air will be admitted in liquid state at negative temperature and on leaving the heat exchanger it should be in gaseous state. In this...
08 June 2021 1,902 11 View
Hi all, I remember udf is used to define profile. Currently I need to 'input' the value at one boundary condition based on the value at another boundary. For example Avg...
04 May 2021 6,864 3 View
Dear all, I just saw this example in FB on the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow. The flow from a pipe hits the sink and scattered. The flow from the pipe is characterized as...
03 March 2021 2,432 5 View
I'm using OpenFOAM to run a CFD study of thermal comfort within a hall. I'm using OpenFOAM v1912 and BouyantBoussinesq(Simple&Pimple)Foam solver. eI have 6 inlets and outlets each with specific...
22 December 2020 1,525 3 View
I have been working on fan boundary condition in ANSYS FLUENT. If I'm not wrong I remember providing pressure jump based on axial velocity and in addition tangential and radial velocity...
21 May 2020 4,797 0 View
Dear all i'm using salome to create geometry for openfoam simulation. I'm planning to write a python script to generate complex geometry. I also noticed that blender is also based on python script...
19 March 2020 4,679 3 View
I noticed that openfoam software is provided by two different organisations 1. ESI group 2. OpenFOAM foundation. My doubt is if the cases are set based on the version provided by openfoam...
08 January 2020 248 2 View
I'm trying to model the rainfall effect on airfoil aerodynamics. I noticed in few papers, injector is placed upstream of airfoil which means air and rain travels in same direction and also in same...
11 November 2019 3,909 3 View
I wish to know which version of openfoam is good and get good technical support. I'm currently using OpenFOAM 6 and use interFOAM. I'm trying to analyse the flow from a multiple pipe connecting...
26 September 2019 6,673 3 View
I recently updated my OpenFOAM version 4.0 to 6. I'm facing an issue in the direction of flow. My flow is always pointing in x direction. Hence I tried to change the flow axis in a tutorial...
25 September 2019 902 1 View
I recently saw this lecture from NPTEL on water hammering. I suppose example used for explaining the wave motion is widely used. (flow from a reservoir and valve...
07 August 2019 2,677 3 View
Hi I need to model PA system for a train station with EASE. I got this doubt, while a speaker makes announcement, sound from it have all frequencies or it will be at one particular...
26 July 2019 5,541 9 View
Sound Power Level of a speaker is computed from the sound power of the speaker. Sound power from the speaker is the total sound energy emitted by a speaker per unit time. How this sound power is...
25 July 2019 8,808 3 View
Hi everyone, I'm running a simulation using interFOAM. Since my domain is big, I face issue in initialisation. I read potentialfoam can be used to initialise the velocity and pressure field. I'm...
21 August 2018 5,863 3 View
Hi In OpenFOAM, How freestream BC is unique compared to inletoutlet BC. Bcz in both these BCs, if the flow is outflow, it becomes zerogradient and if there is any inflow, we have to specify the...
13 August 2018 6,976 3 View
Hi i'm doing an analysis on pipe flow where the initial design of pipe mention that friction factor to be 0.015 around, but when I apply Bernoulli's equation based on the two points measurement, I...
01 August 2018 1,505 5 View
Hi all I'm trying to remodel pool fire modelling based on this paper "LNG pool fire simulation for domino effect analysis"...
11 December 2017 1,474 2 View
Hi I need to know emission rate of each pollutant from a fuel. I'm provided with fuel consumption rate over an in year in MT/year.
06 April 2017 788 6 View
Hi I need to know how to set boundary condition outflow using TUI for zone name outlet
12 February 2016 7,949 3 View
Hi, I'm using NREL Phase VI turbine for my analysis. I noticed that UAE has provided two torque values, one estimated torque (from pressure measurement along different sections) and another...
14 December 2015 3,490 4 View
HI I have written seperate UDFs for velocity inlet, One for velocity profile and another for Turbulent Kinetic energy. But while I try to interpret both udfs, only last udf exist, previous one...
18 June 2015 5,575 7 View
I have created UDF code I would like to intrepet in HPC.
22 May 2015 1,583 9 View
Hi I'm doing wind turbine analysis on NREL Phase VI turbine using ANSYS Fluent. So it is based on wind tunnel experiment inwhich blade RPM is fixed. But what about real case, in which rotation of...
13 May 2015 9,114 5 View
Not in FLUENT Angle of attack is not known? Just need to know the normal force and tangetial force from which aoa has to be calculated
04 May 2015 708 7 View
Currently I'm working on varying the turbulent intensity at the inlet to find the wake recovery. I read that at high turbulent intensity wake recovery will be faster. So I varied the turbulent...
28 April 2015 6,329 22 View
I have run a sliding mesh analysis of wind turbine. It took almost a month to run the simulation. Where I can find the total time for that simulation?
09 March 2015 3,681 18 View
HiI'm modelling windturbine using porous jump boundary condition. I assumed the turbine to be a disk and disk is divided into concentric rings. For each ring pressure drop is found and is related...
07 October 2014 3,043 2 View
Hi Im trying to combine Actuator disk theory with CFD. I found two options Either to add source term to momentum equation or use pressure jump boundary condition. (fan boundary). Can anyone...
09 September 2014 10,022 5 View
I'm running a sliding mesh analysis of wind turbine in FLUENT, and I need to do animation of the wind turbine. I need to animate the wake behind the blades. I know I have to do calculation...
20 May 2014 2,825 3 View
I have done a MRF and Sliding mesh analysis of the wind turbine. I need to know how to show the vorticity (wake) created behind the turbine.
10 March 2014 2,927 16 View
Dear all, I have workstation 32GB, (4*8), 4 RAM sockets and each RAM is 8 GB System monitor shows 8 CPU ( I think each core is divided in to 2 threads), whenever I try to run the simulation in...
01 January 1970 1,258 3 View
HI I understood Kappa means thermal conductivity but if I enter any value for it, simulation results in error before starting. So I have to use fluidthermo. For Kappamethod, I have to chose...
01 January 1970 1,569 3 View
Hi Im working on cooling analyses and need to define the heat load as openfoam BC. I used fixed gradient (q/K)=(dt/dx) And also externalwallheatflux I also read that this BC...
01 January 1970 3,788 5 View
Hello, I'm currently researching the phase change of water as heat is applied to a surface. My work is comparable to the wallboiling tutorial...
01 January 1970 9,412 0 View