37 Questions 381 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hazim Al Dilaimy
Some people believe that application of artificial intelligence will contribute in losing millions of people their jobs while others believe that a lot of people will be employed in this field.
31 March 2023 2,990 5 View
Some scientists believe that parrots are the most intelligent birds on earth because their brains are large as compared to the size of their heads. Do you know other birds that are smarter than...
03 May 2019 7,978 37 View
What are the differences among the hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones?
03 May 2019 673 5 View
Do you like Chomsky as a Linguist or a politician?
11 April 2019 9,879 20 View
Many presidents in the Middle East in general and the Arab world in particular, assume power in general elections. But later on, they become dictators and remain in power for tens of years. They...
22 February 2019 2,033 5 View
What is the difference between a nuclear bomb and a hydrogen bomb? Which is more dangerous?
14 February 2019 2,401 3 View
Many students in our universities and colleges complain about wearing uniforms of particular colours chosen by the Ministry. Are you with or against wearing fixed uniforms??
01 February 2019 8,083 15 View
What is the difference between amnesia and dementia?
01 February 2019 7,293 31 View
Why do most of the pains and aches of human muscles, joints and limbs increase before sleeping?
25 January 2019 9,103 5 View
Sometimes , I feel that the score allocation by RG is not accurate as the scores terribly get down despite the big number of reads and recommendations. We would like to know if there is a way for...
19 January 2019 2,122 11 View
What are the benefits of exercising? For how long do we exercise?
13 January 2019 187 18 View
What does the term voice print refer to? Is it similar to footprints?
10 January 2019 6,710 17 View
What does the term Non- Aligned movement refer to? Where was it founded?
09 January 2019 3,207 11 View
What are the specialized functions of the right and left hemispheres of the human brain?
06 January 2019 3,476 4 View
What does the term social register refer to in socio linguistics?
06 January 2019 5,635 8 View
Can man dig a hole to reach the earth centre?
02 January 2019 197 15 View
The exact number of words each language of the world has is not verified. Some people say that English has the largest number of words while others say that the number of words in some Semitic...
28 December 2018 5,284 44 View
We would like to know the most important points we check in a reading comprehension test.
12 December 2018 4,471 4 View
I usually give each student in the class a copy of the course description and course plan at the beginning of the new academic year so that they will be familiar with the material they will study...
07 September 2018 4,581 21 View
The number of stars estimated in our galaxy at 100 billion or even more. The smallest star is bigger than the earth a hundred or a thousand times. Do you think a smart life exists only on earth?
04 August 2018 3,431 31 View
My two favourite courses are Phonetics and Phonology and General Linguistics with its other interrelated sub-divisions. I have been teaching them for over 35 years.
28 July 2018 1,330 20 View
A lot of speech defects are related to the inability of some speakers to perceive or articulate some speech sounds. I would like to know if spoonerism is one of the problems encountered by speakers.
26 July 2018 8,125 8 View
Many students are embarrassed to participate in class, either because they are shy or not sure about giving the correct answer.
07 July 2018 3,011 5 View
There is no specific ageement about the most convenient age to learn a foreign language. Some recommend the early years of the primary school while others prefer the fourth or fifth grade.
24 June 2018 6,596 97 View
Some teachers do not bother much about spelling mistakes, punctuation or the consistency of tense in writing an essay. Priority is always given to development of ideas into paragraphs.
19 June 2018 5,697 3 View
There are many differences between English and German with respect to the system of articles and how it works. These differences are related to number, gender definiteness and case.
07 June 2018 6,170 6 View
Each method in teaching a language has its merits and demerits. Is there an ideal method by which the learners master the language easily and quickly?
31 May 2018 6,848 32 View
Sometimes, teachers are mislead by the performance of some students in the classroom either because they have a good and neat handwriting or because they have given correct answers. This...
29 May 2018 7,645 3 View
The discovery of Sanskrit has contributed a lot in the revolution of Linguistic contrastive studies due to some similarities between Sanskrit and some European languages.
26 May 2018 1,615 5 View
Writing was very important to all human civilizations as it recorded down the history of people over thousands of years. Do you have any ideas about the name of that language?
25 May 2018 3,976 3 View
Inflectional affixes occur only in final position of words in English. Derivational affixes occur at the beginning, middle and final position of words.
24 May 2018 5,912 3 View
Some patients have their larynxes removed in hospitals. Do they have another source for the generation of sound?
22 May 2018 2,416 14 View
Phonetics is the science concerned with the study of the sound system in the human language in general. Phonology, however, is the science concerned with the study of the sound system in...
21 May 2018 9,027 24 View
Generally speaking, in certain social communities, it is not possible to move from on social class to another.
20 May 2018 2,222 17 View
In language learning, the four skills are important to be mastered by language learners; they are complementary to one another. But if a priority is given to each skill, which skill is the most...
10 May 2018 6,336 17 View
People can be sometimes related to particular families when simply listening to their voice production. They may share similar biological attributes, such as density and length of the vocal cords...
04 April 2018 5,530 8 View
Currently, there are a lot of demonstrations in the Middle east. What caused these demonstrations? Is it the political situation in these countries, the economic situation or some countries are...
01 January 1970 707 2 View