24 Questions 50 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Garry Dhillon
Scientific misconduct among academic researchers?
05 May 2018 5,134 5 View
Agro-industrial Wastes as Feedstock for Enzyme Production: Apply and Exploit the Emerging and Valuable use Options of Waste Biomass explores the current state-of-the-art bioprocesses in enzyme...
03 March 2016 4,656 1 View
Meeting similar mind persons through social networks, conferences, lectures, career fairs, meetings etc. are few common ways to link up with people from your professional area. Generally, many of...
01 January 2016 6,184 4 View
Dear Colleagues.. I would like to invite you to contribute a book chapters 1. Value addition of waste derived proteins to biofuels and biochemicals 2. Rendering industry wastes- transformation to...
09 September 2015 2,467 11 View
Most of the PhD graduates are aspirants of academic positions. What are the different career options outside academia for a PhD. graduates? How to motivate these young people to pursue a career...
02 February 2015 9,258 3 View
What are the important things to keep in mind during academic interviews (Campus visits)? You views will be highly appreciated.
02 February 2015 9,814 4 View
Dear Colleagues..I would like to invite you to contribute a book chapter 1) Cost economics and future prospects of agricultural waste derived protein by-products for production of high value...
02 February 2015 8,442 6 View
Dear Colleagues..I would like to invite you to contribute a book chapter 1) Application of waste-derived protein by-products in animal feed 2) Cost economics and future prospects of agricultural...
02 February 2015 5,187 4 View
Dear Colleagues..I would like to invite you to contribute a book chapter entitled "Forestry waste: Potential feed stock for enzyme production, In edited book “Agro-industrial wastes as feed stock...
02 February 2015 317 0 View
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Please suggest and like the following pages to your...
12 December 2014 9,466 1 View
After PhD., most people are interested in academic jobs instead of industry jobs. However, we cannot directly compare both in terms of salary and other incentives. You will obviously get high...
01 January 2014 5,207 4 View
Is it a good idea to negotiate about salary or spouse employment if you are applying for entry level jobs (Assistant Professor) in academia?
01 January 2014 5,281 1 View
I am working on the methylation of different plant-based proteins, such as canola meal proteins and soy meal proteins. It was mentioned in literature that methyl esterifications shift the...
07 July 2013 7,480 6 View
First of all you spend your precious time and energy working in the lab and then pay the article processing fee to publish/disseminate your research. Is it really worth to pay processing charges...
07 July 2013 10,044 20 View
My inbox has repeatedly been spammed from lambert Academic publishers. Is it worth publishing with this publisher. Do they have any authenticity. There is a lot of bad stuff written about this....
07 July 2013 10,090 95 View
What are the important things other than qualifications, experience and research funding to apply for the academic level position in university. How to prepare for the interview. Suggestions welcome
07 July 2013 5,636 11 View
This book provides information on high value biochemicals produced in small quantities Chapters present up-to-date and detailed information on agro-industrial waste residues and bioconversion...
07 July 2013 631 0 View
How can we shift a protein's isoelectric point towards alkaline pH range maintaining cationic charge? What are the modification methods to achieve this without compromising proteins solubility?
06 June 2013 3,171 6 View
Is it worth publishing in such open excess journals, most of which are not even indexed. What about their credibility in terms of research dissemination or they are mere introduced to earn bucks...
03 March 2013 7,331 18 View
My question is for those who published/publishing a book or editing special journal issues. Generally, the expert persons are invited for such contributions. Frequently, many authors request to...
12 December 2012 8,677 11 View
Microalgae based bioprocesses are gaining wide interest for production of biofuels and other high value products. Based on environmental health (in terms of reduction of GHGs), energy investments...
11 November 2012 9,088 0 View
How we can enhance size homogeneity during nanoparticles synthesis by precipitation method?
11 November 2012 3,757 59 View
Can you recommend any articles? Thanks
07 July 2012 2,921 0 View
Is there any commercial level prodction of bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials through SSF?
07 July 2012 1,455 4 View