28 Questions 117 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dony Saputra
International Business and internationalization has been great topics develop more on this disruptive economy. As more business that born global as it establish the company to do business...
11 November 2017 6,013 3 View
I'm still new in journal writing for indexed scopus journal. I know its hard to write in high rank of indexed scopus journal. Some of my coallegues suggested inderscience and sage open. But i...
03 March 2016 1,474 1 View
As my discussion with fellow researcher on the usage of qualitative research to enrich and add variety of undergraduate thesis. There are discussion of descriptive,explanatory and exploratory...
08 August 2015 5,910 59 View
I've been selected as research coordinator in my new job. Which required me to select recent research topic in the area of international business and international trade. As far as i can find it...
12 December 2014 9,962 6 View
Some lecturers tends to give correlation,regression until anova as a must subject to be taught in undergraduate statistics course. I need your referrence and expert opinions on this?
09 September 2014 5,291 5 View
From discussion that i get with my fellow teachers and lecturers,teaching has more obligation than delivering lesson material that is to educate students character and behavior. As lecturing is...
08 August 2014 3,611 8 View
Our university is a research-based university, that is why we use research-based learning as our main teaching method. But i still confused with the term, because research is a continuous learning...
08 August 2014 2,111 26 View
From my discussion with math lecturer and information system lecturer,they say statistics is foundation of data mining that goes along to business intelligence on to knowledge management that...
08 August 2014 5,703 5 View
There are arguments that we should teach statistics, not only using manual calculation but also by using software such as spss,minitab,stats and etc. Most of teacher or lecture prefered to use...
07 July 2014 9,134 92 View
There is always question about phd that can teach but can't research or can research but can't teach. Based on your opinion and experience How important to have PhD that can teach and research in...
07 July 2014 1,848 18 View
There are tendencies that teacher given subjective assesment more than objective assesment as an impact of personal approach of teacher to students that came to like and dislike as a person. One...
06 June 2014 8,595 14 View
Many students in developing country graduate from university jobless,lack of creativity and skills. As many university teach student in every subject their special subject oriented without...
06 June 2014 5,110 11 View
Some theories said 80 % you learn from seeing,while other said 80% you learn from hearing. There suppose to be visual communication,verbal communication and gestalt. What type of communication you...
06 June 2014 974 5 View
There is some debate with cooperative learning vs collaborative learning: cooperative more to students learn new social skills and how to work together, where as collaborative is have group...
06 June 2014 6,020 17 View
Most science and engineering students learn how to analyze and solve problem in the real word specifically based on their subject. There is trend on university to adopt philosophy to create...
06 June 2014 9,709 32 View
Me and my coallegues is trying to do joint research with other researcher from universities from different countries. The area will be IS adoptation in universities from different country,...
06 June 2014 7,882 23 View
Information system nowadays move toward to important part in strategic management equal to marketing, HR and finance. It's common usage is in industrial organizations. Based on your experience and...
06 June 2014 7,215 13 View
I've had a proceeding on edutainment based-portal for cultural education. But there still question and something bother with the term edutainment when i found an article said its not suitable for...
05 May 2014 8,449 8 View
As a researcher there is obligation to write or publish your research on a paper. Writing on a journal take a challenge with respons and publish time approx. 6 month. Where as in a conference we...
05 May 2014 983 12 View
As mobile usage grows globally because of the decreasing cost of devices and the internet, mobile platforms are becoming another methods to meet students' needs for learning tools (eg mobile...
05 May 2014 7,881 15 View
We are trying to build up a dashboard marketing system as a vizualitation of marketing strategy effectivity. But we are lacking information for marketing metrics, or strategy to put up as...
05 May 2014 2,559 13 View
Most company inserted social media in their website and use social media as a new marketing channel. As an enterprise of course it change how you create a strategic management as it add more...
05 May 2014 9,523 26 View
There are arguments among my fellow researchers, that research is supposed to be inventing new things. As the other said it goes back to terminology of re-search, where we are questioning and...
05 May 2014 3,264 19 View
There are concerns about lack of awareness of local cultural content such as cooperation, respect and the traditional way of preserving nature. Culture is a nation identity that build upon local...
05 May 2014 3,717 29 View
Character education has been an issues for a century and been reinforced by the Indonesian MOE. It comes up with degradation of moral value and character. I've been doing research by creating a...
05 May 2014 3,462 11 View
Explosion of big data in information system seems to change how company utilitize their business intelligence. Combining structured and unstructured data to be process and give a better decision...
05 May 2014 2,941 16 View
I'm developing a genetic algorithm software to solve water leak problem in an underground pipe. What kind of methodologies and algorithms to use? Is there any references or sample programs I can...
04 April 2014 934 2 View
I have research in progress that I want to use for the purpose of PhD study about how to implement data mining on providing data for cultural education. But I have a problem getting contact with...
04 April 2014 6,806 3 View