12 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Debashish Banerjee
Hi, I am wondering about the following things while desgining a digital PCR expt- (1) Do we need to run the test and reference gene in the same well? I found an interesting aricle where this has...
02 February 2020 9,767 0 View
Hi, (a) I am trying to analyze histological scores of more than 3 groups, each having 6 animals. Which statistical tool is the appropriate one? I checked normality which appears to be of mixed...
17 January 2020 4,779 3 View
Hi, I was planning to perform a cytotoxcity assay wherein I am planning to use the culture supernatant stored frozen at -80 deg C at different time points. Is there any suggestion with regards to...
19 November 2019 3,831 1 View
Hi, I am wondering how to normalize my sample value wrt to the house keeping gene in ddPCR. Is it the test sample value (copies per ul) divided by the house keeping gene (copies per ul)? I found...
05 November 2019 4,519 1 View
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has the protocol for rat X and Y chromosome detection by PCR particularly Digital PCR. I want to quantify the actual amount of X and Y chromosome from the same...
15 October 2019 9,378 3 View
Hi I was wondering if anybody has experience of 3-Nitrotyrosine residues formed in the protein structure e.g. extracellular matrix (ECM) following treatment with detergents like sodium...
29 July 2019 1,452 0 View
Hi I was wondering if any one have checked RNA stailbity at different temperature for subsequent PCR amplification. I want to store my RNA isolated from blood vessels before preparing the...
18 July 2019 3,661 12 View
Hi, I want to isolate and culture macrophages from rats (different sites like bone marrow, peritoneal fluid etc.) Most of the reported literature says to use the supernatant from mouse fibroblast...
12 July 2019 7,496 3 View
Hi, I am trying to establish In situ hybridization (ISH) technique for my experiment based on blood vessels. For this, I need to select few genes which would be expressed under normal conditions...
01 December 2017 9,364 6 View
Hi I am trying to develop positive control for protein, lipid and DNA as a measure of oxidative stress in formalin fixed paraffin embedded normal tissues during immunohistochemistry. For protein...
31 October 2017 4,728 2 View
Hi, I am trying to check the presence of DNA in my formalin fixed blood vessels with DAPI. But the problem is that I can also clearly see the fibrils of elastin getting stained at the same time...
07 June 2017 3,979 4 View
Hi, Is it possible to measure the protein concentration after digestion with Proteinase-K e.g. using BCA method? When compared to homogenized samples without Proteinase-K, Proteinase K digest...
08 July 2016 8,611 3 View