30 Questions 60 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Biswajit Debnath
I would like to know what actually is the difference in criteria requirements between the two indexes. Why does Scopus have more journals in its index compared to that of SCI? Since there are many...
29 May 2021 1,071 2 View
If an operating region is divided into a number of sectors and if it is shown that the system is stable in equilibrium point corresponding to each of the sectors, can it be said that the system is...
22 March 2020 9,101 6 View
I have a Simulink gain block that houses the A- matrix of the plant and I want to add randomness into the parameters of A-matrix. How do I achieve that in Simulink?
06 December 2019 6,335 7 View
If I have a MIMO system with a number of subsystems with moderate amount of coupling sensitivity and if those individual subsystems are BIBO stable then under what conditions the whole system can...
16 June 2019 1,624 4 View
I just want to know if this is possible. Please provide with suitable references.
17 September 2018 1,933 7 View
I want to include a condition for the transfer function G(s) which is equivalent to the statement mentioned above inside inverted commas but I am not able to describe it mathematically. I was...
08 June 2018 4,483 16 View
We claim to be doing pretty good in the area of health care and pharmaceuticals but still we haven't been able to come up with a formidable solution for the Nipah virus. Why ? Does this indicate...
01 June 2018 8,644 1 View
Although I know that analytic functions are infinitely differentiable and the taylor series converges to the function but I want to know why they are so useful from the perspective of robust...
09 May 2018 3,435 2 View
It is well known that every controller, when optimized in a proper way, will yield good results. Under such circumstances, how should I compare the relative performance of two different...
09 April 2018 7,640 17 View
I have a Twin Rotor MIMO system represented by a 2x2 transfer matrix. I have identified 3 different models for the same using different ways. Let's say the three different transfer matrix are...
08 March 2018 3,523 6 View
I have a MIMO system represented by a transfer matrix, the determinant of which is of order 14. How do I reduce the order of the system without compromising the original behaviour of the system ?
24 February 2018 4,104 4 View
I am trying to identify the transfer matrix of a TRMS and I have a set of estimation and validation data. However, I have two types of validation data, one set has been derived by applying the...
12 February 2018 1,731 5 View
I have come across the term 'nominal stability' in the book 'multivariable feedback control' by Skogestad and I would like to know what it actually means. I know it has got something to do with...
08 February 2018 4,624 3 View
I intend to determine the Transfer matrix of a TRMS by system identification. In this context, which input would be better and why, chirp or PRBS ??
04 February 2018 3,941 5 View
I am in the process of designing a digital controller for level control of a coupled tank system but I am not sure how to select the sampling interval for the control signal. I believe there is...
24 January 2018 5,716 6 View
I would like the lecture videos to be of either MIT/ Stanford/Harvard/ UCLA. The lectures should be dealing with derivations of equations of motion using Euler- lagrange methods.
21 December 2017 8,224 5 View
I have a 2x2 MIMO system which exhibits a non-minimum phase behaviour under certain operating conditions. How to control such a system in the simplest possible manner so as to provide set-point...
25 November 2017 8,628 2 View
I want to ascertain the level of interaction in a MIMO process and I am looking at various ways of doing that. I came across the SVD method in the book by Seborg and I would like to know how...
14 November 2017 7,485 3 View
This is with respect to the paper titled "Time-Derivative Models of Pavlovian Reinforcement" by Sutton and Barto. If someone has any solid idea regarding this stimulus then he is encouraged to...
01 October 2017 3,771 0 View
Dear researchers, I want to study some literature where controllers have been explicitly designed for MIMO systems having significant amount of cross-coupling. However, I am NOT interested in the...
29 June 2017 5,618 7 View
I want to know about the present state of the art in the field of fuzzy logic controllers. I have with me only some surveys which spoke about the researches that were conducted till 2007. I am in...
22 June 2017 4,546 5 View
I would like to start understanding this topic from the very basic level and then move on to the advanced level where I will have to deal with using this technique for stability analysis of...
06 June 2017 8,071 6 View
I am embarking on research in the field of reinforcement learning and I would like to get a good grassroots grasp on the topic of Markov Decision Processes (MDP). I would be very glad if someone...
15 May 2017 5,556 3 View
Our control lab is in the process of expansion and we are looking forward to having a 3-axis inertially stabilized platform (ISP) for the purpose of research. I would like to know if there is any...
06 May 2017 6,259 1 View
I have come across some papers in which the authors have replaced a matrix element with the ' * ' symbol and I would like to know what it means. Attached, along with is a paper where you will find...
24 September 2016 4,886 11 View
I need to analyse the high frequency content in the control signal using either FFT or wavelet transform and I would like to refer to some good papers on that. I am required to compare two...
04 April 2016 9,078 2 View
I have a coupled tank system where the differential pressure type level sensors are used to read out the level in the PC using the LabVIEW interface. The graph obtained in labVIEW is very noisy...
30 March 2016 1,446 21 View
I have designed a second order SMC for a coupled tank system and I have not been able to get rid of chattering totally. So I was wondering if an adaptive SOSMC would be a better alternative. I...
30 March 2016 9,828 12 View
I know that compensators are used for modifying the gain/phase characteristics of a system in the open loop. I would like to know how useful is it in dealing with the dead zone/time lag/ time...
01 January 1970 4,470 4 View
I know how it works but I want to know the fundamental reason which relates eigan value analysis to the stability analysis of a linear system. Everywhere I searched, I came across examples about...
01 January 1970 10,167 6 View