38 Questions 76 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Behrad Mahboobi
i look for a axiomatic or abstract definition for matrix determinant . there are a lot of formulas and properties for matrix determinant but none of them uniquely and qualitatively describe matrix...
22 March 2018 4,726 10 View
positive polynomial matrices can be factorized by EVD into polynomial matrices by sufficiently small error. however are any similar techniques exist for fractional polynomial matrices. also...
22 March 2018 8,049 1 View
I would like to collect the applications of partition of unity theorem in math, for example manifold, topology, fixed point theory, differential forms, differential geometry, vector analysis,...
22 March 2018 5,488 14 View
i look for a simulation tools that can address scenario modeling/simulation for future study. is any specific tools for such simulation or I have to manually use general purpose programming languages?
11 March 2018 5,426 5 View
what are the mostly used and applicable existence and uniqueness theorem for nonlinear partial order differential equations?
07 March 2018 3,682 6 View
laplace/fouriers transform and some techniques like operators/wronskian ... are useful in solving linear and nonlinear differential equations. however is any such techniques or transformation to...
15 December 2017 1,220 3 View
probabilistic metric space which is not a metric space, has been widely developed in theory, but can someone give some example of the applications of such space ?
22 October 2017 876 8 View
I have a 4 level signal that need to be power amplified with efficiency higher than 90%.the levels of the signal are {-3A,-A,A,3A}. assuming in each level, the amplitude is constant until the next...
12 January 2017 5,746 2 View
I am going to make an RF circuit that can switch between multiple RF ports in microwave band like an n X m switching matrix. Generally I don't know if this would be possible in analog domain as...
10 January 2017 962 2 View
it is possible to set some parameters of TCP in windows and possibly in linux. in windows it is done by ">netsh int tcp set" at command prompt. however can we change the multiplicative decrease...
17 September 2016 9,307 0 View
i am looking for a software tools set that let me setup a multi-point to multi-point VPN which is called VPLS over IP (not MPLS) . does any one have any suggestion how can I get in to this?
17 September 2016 6,460 1 View
MRI which uses NMR enjoy the resonance feature of hydrogen nucleus for imaging. this technique is completely different from reflection feature of objects used in radar scanning. i would like to...
16 September 2016 458 4 View
i was wondering if there is any approach that can reformulate clustering algorithm by standard optimization and maybe relax it into a standard convex optimization with generalized inequality in...
07 September 2016 1,346 3 View
smart grids is an active research topic in various disciplines . here I am looking for all disciplines and fields that are kinda involved in smart grids research and industry. the most important...
06 September 2016 10,028 13 View
multi path TCP is a technique which enable single tcp connection to reach destination from multiple interface or multiple route. so the question is how much network routing protocol affect the...
08 September 2015 2,737 6 View
I am looking for a plot library in C++ that can be used for data visualization mostly of radio signal visualization including power spectral denstiy, FFT, time domain signal, scatter plot. Data is...
16 March 2015 6,236 23 View
is there any research on detecting the encryption system or authentication mechanism over a cipher text? assuming we have access to the key of a cipher text, we would like to apply the proper...
15 March 2015 4,919 13 View
there are huge amount of reference in the field of SigInt , ComInt And Elint. but there should be a few basic and selfcontained reference in each of those. so please if you know any references ,...
01 March 2015 3,389 1 View
I am looking for a neural network which is has comprehensive mathematical approach in to the subject. Applications and introductory books are not my goal.
27 February 2015 3,059 16 View
I am willing to make an SMPS discretely. Does anyone have a schematic or abstract circuit to help me? current -voltage and maximum output power doesn't really matter in this question.
24 February 2015 9,780 3 View
I am looking for some top and mathematical references in Bayesian analysis and Bayesian decision making. Books and Tutorial articles mostly. Thank you
24 February 2015 4,097 8 View
I know that Schneider PLCs work with Mod-bus protocol for networking, however, I wonder if there is any other PLC and industrial automation brands that work with mod-bus? If two brands work on...
01 December 2013 2,573 2 View
I am looking for a PLC that has the best tradeoff between price/performance and reputation for building automation applications. Also i require monitoring the devices under the PLC control. so...
24 November 2013 1,794 8 View
There is always a lower bound for an unbiased estimator called Cramer-Rao Lower Bound which is tight in the case of Gaussian random vectors. Does any one know any upper bound for minimum variance...
20 November 2013 8,514 11 View
Is any software design to take into account modern physic theory such as general relativity or string theory in to mechanical simulation for celestial mechanics?
02 November 2013 5,993 7 View
What design and analysis tools are used to simulate not also kinematics and static of multi body systems, but also kinetics and dynamics aspect of robotic and mechatronic system?
01 November 2013 3,419 2 View
Can anyone advise on the benefits and flaws of each optical modulator?
27 October 2013 5,707 9 View
Does anyone have information on what top EDA, CAM or any other Computer aided design tools are used to design a state of the art motherboard or graphic card in top electronic companies?
02 October 2013 6,813 4 View
We know some basic electromagnetic tools to analyse wave propagation through general waveguides like HFSS CST microwave Desgin, COMSOL etc, however is there any specialized EDA tool for optical...
02 October 2013 7,382 15 View
Can anyone propose an electronic circuit with real elements that has the following features: 1- center frequency 15Ghz 2- output power 30dBm 3- at least 40%efficiency 4- bandwidth 2Ghz
30 September 2013 9,730 1 View
Can anyone recommend the best computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software that can address controlling machinery tools with the richest set of features!
29 September 2013 7,331 5 View
I remember a simple rule in electromagnetic theory that when we scale the frequency by a value alpha and scale the dimension of your antenna or scatterer by a/alpha, the properties of that device...
21 September 2013 9,916 5 View
I am looking for a flight simulator that can address the following issues: 1- can be programmed or linked to a programming software like Matlab for motion control applications. 2- can address...
31 August 2013 4,969 10 View
Maximum theorem states that f(x)=argmax_y { G(x,y } is a continuous function of x. So I would like to know if this function can be taken as lipschitz continuous or locally lipchitz...
14 August 2013 1,591 10 View
Is there any theorem that tell us the number of complex roots of a system of multi variable polynomial equations? in single variable case, we have Rouche's is applicable. but is any extension to...
31 July 2013 6,852 6 View
I am interested in High frequency trading platform and algorithmic trading, but still wondering how can i choose a proper script or software that has high performance interest in HFT. Is any...
31 July 2013 3,222 3 View
Any one has knowledge about optimal control of motion can introduce some references in this field? Actually discrete time dynamic or continuous time dynamic model of motion of a UAV system of...
30 July 2013 9,431 2 View
i am working on non-cooperative infinite horizon game that has a dynamic system model. Since this system has an infinite response, the stability (in any of asymptotic, BIBO or Lyapunvov sense) of...
29 July 2013 5,006 3 View