We know some basic electromagnetic tools to analyse wave propagation through general waveguides like HFSS CST microwave Desgin, COMSOL etc, however is there any specialized EDA tool for optical communication mediums like Fiber or free space ?
Sir, i am also working on a topic "Free -Space Optical communication through LASER/LED Source".......i m having same problem for simulating result except MATLAB.
I heard about Optisim for simulating Optical communication. So try it!!!
I would like to attract your atеantion to one of the most powerful and universal tool from Virtual Photonics (VPIphotonics, http://www.vpiphotonics.com). VPIphotonics™ sets the standard for software and services supporting end-to-end Photonic Design Automation and Optical Equipment Configuration. I used some of VPIphotonics product (Transmission Maker and Active Photonics). Just one word - GREAT!
Electro-magnetics analysis?.. Did you mean, for instance, simulations of 3D vector Maxwell's Eqs? Unfortunately, No. Simulations of optical fibers (semiconductor lasers and fiber amplifiers) is provided by VPIPhotonic on a system level with more simple models, such as SVA (Slowly varying amlitud), Shcrodinger type Eqs, Laser Rate Equations, TLM laser models and so on, i.e. without transverse effects and a specific optical fiber design ability. However, multimodes fiber mode is included. Optiwave software is more adapted for 3D design of photonics components. COMSOL could be too.
Depending on your field of interest regarding fiber optical networks, the ns-3 network simulator with additional modules [1] might fit your requirements.
OptiSystem 12 includes new transmitters, receivers and DSP components for end-to-end 16-QAM, DP-16-QAM and DP-QPSK coherent optical system design and performance analysis. New visualizer components have also been introduced, including dual port visualizers which will allow users to perform simultaneous waveform analysis of any two independent binary, optical or electrical signals. Additional features include:
• A new “View signal” viewer, which allows users to view and save the real/complex
signal data array at the output of any component;
• Updates to the Measured-Index Multimode Fiber and Parabolic-Index Multimode Fiber components, including support for alpha profile gradient index designs and new analysis graphs;
• Updates to the QAM Sequence Generator and QAM Sequence Decoder, specifically the ability to import and update user-defined I-Q amplitude maps for the customized design of QAM modulation schemes;
• Updates to the Photodetector PIN and Photodetector APD, specifically the ability to define Responsivity vs. wavelength based on material types (Si, InGaAs, Ge) or
customized/measured values; and
• Improvements to the user interface, including the ability to access the sample projects folder directly from the OptiSystem file menu and support for large format workspaces in the Reports tab
The Softwares Rsoft Optsim, PhotonDesign and ApoloPhotonics seem to be suitable. However, I believe one shoud develop own programming code for research purposes since you can not insert fine considerations conducted with your research problem while working with the sottwares given above. In other word, you may find them not much flexible.
I used to work with the OptiSystem software (from Optiwave Photonic Software : https://optiwave.com/resources/latest-news/optisystem-optispice-roadmaps/ )
There are several simulation software available on the market such as VPIphotonics VPItransmissionMaker, Optiwave OptiSystem, and Rsoft OptSim. However, all this software has limitations on flexibility when used for research that requires flexibility in adding and changing many types of parameters. I recommend using MATLAB for in-depth analysis. Many sub-programs are available on the internet that can be used to help build the simulation you need.
Ibrahim Syuaib correctly pointed out that flexibility is often lacking. However, doing everything in Matlab is very time-consuming. A dilemma? Not really:
We have the RP Fiber Power software (https://www.rp-photonics.com/fiberpower.html). This is not specifically designed for telecom applications, but due to its particularly high flexibility it can be used for such things as well. For example, define an arbitrary high-bit rate signal, send it through a sequence of passive and active fibers, and analyze the output in all kinds of respects, e.g. with freely defined diagrams (not just a fixed hard-wired set of diagrams).