14 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anoop Pillai
Does anyone used the data logger other than DAQ(LabVIEW) for welding temperature measurement? If yes Can we get required data by using the data logger or do we need to use the DAQ itself? (Apart...
12 July 2022 7,396 4 View
Dear all, We can apply the surface film condition along the thickness plane in the 3D plate. But if we make it as 2D plate we wont be apply the same along the thickness plane(XY plane). Can we...
21 April 2022 8,510 5 View
Dear all, Can anyone help me to apply an elastic clamping stiffness at a node in Abaqus?
16 March 2022 528 4 View
Dear all, 1.How do we design the bead shape in Abaqus for multi-pass welding? 2.Do we need to take the bead dimension from welded specimen? 3.Is it possible to draw the beads in the Abaqus...
07 October 2021 6,295 2 View
Dear all, I want to enter the temperature dependent mechanical properties of two different materials using UMAT subroutine. Can anyone suggest the code?. This to call the CMNAME in the UEXPAN...
23 September 2021 4,125 5 View
Dear all, How can we call two phase transformation condition in UEXPAN Subroutine while welding dissimilar metals?
23 September 2021 7,304 0 View
All the parameters remain the same! If Yes What might be the reason for the same? (other than the influence of longitudinal heat flow). If No Can anyone suggest an article with 2D(plane stress)...
14 July 2021 656 6 View
Dear all, Can anyone explain what is the purpose of the option "interpolate between mid-side node" in the predefined field 1.When should we use that? 2.If we transfer a heat transfer...
12 May 2021 6,462 3 View
Dear all, How to find the cooling rate in welding using Abaqus Subroutine for incorporating the fraction of Martensite due to phase transformation.
20 April 2021 9,889 7 View
Can anyone help to find out why the state variable 1(SDV(1)) in the output is showing zero? SUBROUTINE USDFLD(FIELD,STATEV,PNEWDT,DIRECT,T,CELENT, 1...
23 March 2021 963 5 View
I am doing welding analysis with phase transformation effects in Abaqus. For the developed UEXPAN subroutine, I have to make the system understand whether heating/cooling is taking place. To flag...
15 March 2021 5,951 3 View
Dear all, I am working on a 2D welding simulation. The welding plate is symmetric about the X-axis, and the welding is moving along the Z direction. The width of the plate is along the Y...
27 August 2020 3,563 7 View
Dear all, I am using a system with Intel (R) Xeon CPU E5- 2620 v4 @2.10GHz ,128 GB RAM,DUAL CORE , Nvidia Quadro P2000,Windows 10 pro,VS2013,XE2016 and Abaqus 2017.Though I installed CUDA 10.1...
01 January 1970 9,056 1 View
Is it possible to create a surface at the middle plane , if I am partitioning a cube into two in Abaqus?
01 January 1970 5,741 7 View