Yao et al. (2014) discussed that "Fig. 1 illustrates the magnitude of the non-linearity in the dispersion-market return relationship (which is captured by the γ2 coefficients) for the Shanghai B-share market. It is evident that the relationship is far from linear, and as the average market returns become larger in absolute terms, the return dispersions increase but at a decreasing rate. Furthermore, consistent with Christie and Huang's (1995) intuition that herding occurs during periods of market stress, it can be observed from Fig. 1 that as |Rm,t| surpasses a certain threshold, CSSDt in fact tends to become narrower."
My question is: Thus, according to the attached picture, would you please tell me where is the non-linear relationship and where is the return dispersions increase but at a decreasing rate when average market returns become larger in absolute terms?