I have a very old XRD program that uses .jcp files for mineral identification. In order to generate the .jcp file, I had another program that was used to examine, pick peaks and create the .jcp file. However, this program no longer works on more modern versions of windows and the old PC on which it worked has now died.

So..... I am keen to find out if there is a very basic XRD software program (preferably free)  that can be used to very quickly examine XRD profiles (.cpi  RAW), pick peaks and generate a .jcp file.

I have access to a more sophisticated search match / processing software program (but it is unable to create .jcp files). To continue using the much older XRD search-match program that requires the .jcp file seems like a step backwards. However the program has proved very useful on occasions in the identification of more 'exotic' mineral precipitates and am keen to retain this capacity as a back up.

Recommendations appreciated

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