04 April 2013 29 646 Report

I'm just reading this Caltech article and trying to decypher it. I surely could use some help understanding how to use peak position and intensity of the SL harmonic reflections to determine SL periodicity and epi thickness? My sample is a 0.5um MBE SL of InAs/InAsSb 25nm period on (001) GaSb substrate. I've got data from the (004) rocking curve in 2D. (004), & the Rocking Axis were optimized to be collinear for the wafer sample in 2D.

My objective is to understand how to derive various parameters from the RCP's (Rocking Curve Profiles aka RSP -Reciprocal Space Profile). Intensities and positions of the harmonics are a function of periodicity of the SL. How are they related? How is one derived from the other?


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