11 November 2017 30 3K Report

We've looked at an epitaxial film of GaN on a Si substrate using real time 2D Bragg XRD Microscopy (2D XRD rocking curve analysis). This specimen also had intermediate "buffer" layers of AlxGa1-xN and AlN. The XRD rocking curve Bragg profiles were examined at various topographic locations. The (0002)s reflection was utilized. The vicinity of the GaN (0002)s reflection was probed in reciprocal space using the ω-2ϴ scan mode to acquire the Bragg profiles.

We need some help! We're on the verge of a solution. Check out this data set and analyses for a GaN-AlxGa(1-x)N-AlN-Si sample wafer. I have the 3D XRD rocking curve data collected using a commonly available lab based XRD instrument below 2kW. I have the relative intensities for five distinct Bragg peaks around the GaN (0002)s reflection.

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