I have been used taq PCR kit (1000u) so long time and may be I have used 10 kits (1000u) until these days. I have 3 kits already but when I start to doing PCR, I can get successful results with 10x PCR buffer but I can't succed with coralload buffer. I used it in many times when kits arrived me but I couldn't work with it. When I do PCR both 10x PCR buffer and 10x coralload PCR buffer, I can see good result with 10x PCR buffer but not with coralload PCR buffer. Now I have about 50 coralload PCR buffer tubes and I want to use it. I use same protocol when I do PCR work. I prepare pcr master mix according to kit hand book and put them on thermal cycler. After PCR reaction I prepare 1% agarose gel adding ethidium bromide and directly load PCR samples  containing coralload PCR buffer. I can see how much my DNA go on gel but when I want to see my PCR result on uv transsimulator, I couldn't get any band untill today. I wonder, should I prepare my agarose gel without ethidium bromide? When I dying my PCR product that was done with 10x pcr buffer, my samples can dye with coralload buffer but when I use it alone my PCR reaction doesn't work properly. I mean, coralload PCR buffer is working as gel loading dye but on PCR reaction it doesn't work. I have no problem about product storege and other condition. Because all solutions (into kits) are work when use.

I wonder if coralload PCR buffer need specific PCR condition or imaging process or etc. I wonder your response immediately because I'm continue doing pcr, so I want to use coralload PCR buffer to easy application. 

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