If so, I invite you on behalf of the organizers (to which I will also belong) for registering. Below I quote the invitation that we send to potential participants with full information.

Dear Sir/Madam,

We invite you kindly to take part in the 10th Annual International Scientific Conference entitled “Theoretical and Practical aspects of Distance Learning” DLCC2018 (subtitle “E-learning and Smart Learning Environment for Preparing the Specialists of New Generation". that will be held on the 15th and 16th October 2018 organizes by the Faculty of Ethnology and Sciences of Education in Cieszyn, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.

Conference partners and co-organizers are:

Ostrava University (OU, Czech Republic),

Silesian University in Opava (SU, Czech Republic),

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (UKF, Slovakia),

University of Extremadura (UEx, Spain),

University of Twente (UT, Netherlands),

The Lisbon Lusíada University (LU, Portugal),

Curtin University in Perth (CU, Australia),

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (BGKU, Ukraine),

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg, (HSPU, Russia)

Dniprodzerzhinsk State Technical University (DSTU, Ukraine),

Ministry of Science and Higher Education, (Republic of Poland),

IADIS – International Association for Development of the Information Society, a non-profit association,

Polish Pedagogical Society, Branch in Cieszyn,

Polish Scientific Society for Internet Education.

The theme of the conference is:

"E-learning and Smart Learning Environment for Preparing the Specialists of New Generation".

Ecosociety, the knowledge society, the digital society are transforming into an intelligent society. It is built on "smart" work, which is done by "intelligent" government and business representatives, based on "intelligent" infrastructure and "intelligent" citizens, playing a key role in creating intelligent culture. In addition, the priority is the development of such industries as smart transport, smart health, smart energy, smart food, etc., which will eventually lead to the creation of a smart world. SMARTs will play a special role in the preparation of new-generation specialists, in which e-learning and personalized learning will have priority positions. In an intelligent society, technologies, previously based on information and knowledge, are transformed into technologies based on interaction, cooperation, exchange of experiences - smart technologies. Citizens, new generation specialists, turn their activities into "intelligent" and implement innovative changes in management strategies. This means that society needs more creative and open thinking, so that human dignity, based on flexibility and originality, is a priority. The most important issue is the training of staff with creative, creative potential, able to work and think in the new world.

(Smyrnova–Trybulska, E. (2018). Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne i e-learning we współczesnej edukacji [Information and communication technologies and e-learning in modern education]. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. 572 s. ISSN 0208-6336 ISBN 978-83-226-3070-9 (print version) ISBN 978-83-226-3071-6 (digital version).

The conference topics include the following thematic sections:

1. E-environment and Cyberspace

· E-environment of the University.

· SMART-Universities

· SMART Technology in education

· E-learning in a sustainable society,

· Internet of things

2. Effective development of teachers' skills in the area of ICT and e-learning

· Computer training for prospective and practicing teachers in the area ICT and e-learning,

· Teachers’ and learners’ competences in distance learning and computer science.

· Distance Learning and Lifelong Learning

· Self-learning based on Internet technology

3. E-learning and Intercultural Competences Development in Different Countries:

· Legal, social, human, scientific, technical aspects of distance learning and e-learning in different countries,

· Psychological and ethical aspects of distance learning and e-learning in different countries,

· Collaborative learning in e-learning,

4. E-learning Methodology – Implementation and Evaluation:

· European and national standards of e-learning quality evaluation,

· Evaluation of synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning, methodology and good examples,

· MOOCs – methodology of design, conducting, implementation and evaluation,

· Contemporary trends in world education – globalization, internationalization, mobility.

5. ICT Tools – Effective Use in Education:

· Selected Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technology,


· Cloud computing environment, social media,

· Multimedia resources and didactic materials, Video-tutorial design.

6. Theoretical, Methodological Aspects of Distance Learning:

· Successful examples of e-learning,

· Distance learning in humanities and science,

· Quality of teaching, training programs and assessment,

· E-learning for the disabled.

7. E-learning in the Development of Key Competences:

· Key competences in the knowledge society,

· Use of e-learning in improving the level of students’ key competences,

8. Alternative Methods, Forms and Techniques in Distance Learning:

· simulations, models in distance learning,

· networking,

· distance learning systems,

· m-learning.

The official language of the conference is English.

Dissemination of conference proceedings

Conference materials and authors’ paper will be reviewed and published in a monograph entitled “E-learning and Smart learning environment for preparing the specialists of new generation” (notified in ISBN catalogue), 9th vol. of the publishing series on E-learning (notified in ISSN catalogue, ISSN 2451-3644 (print edition) ISSN 2451-3652 (digital edition)), http://weinoe.us.edu.pl/nauka/serie-wydawnicze/seria-e-learning

Series on E-Learning is indexed in the international scientific bibliometric databases, in particular, in:

- Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science)

- Journal Factor http://www.journalfactor.org/

- Academic Research Index https://www.researchbib.com/


- ceon.pl

- Polska Bibliografia Naukowa https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl

- Google Scholar.

It is our plesure to inform you that the 9th International Scientific Conference DLCC2017 monograph (“Effective Development of Teachers’ Skills in the Area of ICT and E-learning”) has been just indexed in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science).

and in International Journal of Research in E-learning http://weinoe.us.edu.pl/nauka/serie-wydawnicze/international-journal-research-e-learning

Per-reviewed journal

ISSN 2451-2583 (Print) ISSN 2543-6155 (Online)

IJREL indexed in the international scientific bibliometric databases, in particular, in:

- ICI Journals Master List – Index Copernicus (82.36 points)


- The Central and Eastern European Online Library CEEOL

- Academic Research Index https://www.researchbib.com/

- Google Scholar



- BazHum

- Polska Bibliografia Naukowa https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl

- Journal Factor


Venue of the conference:

Hotel STOK

43-460 WISŁA,

ul. Jawornik 52A

Contact for accommodation:

Izabela Sikora

mail [email protected]

phone: +48 33 856 41 24

mobile. +48 692 472 457

In framework of the conference a trip to the Residence of the President of the Republic of Poland in Wisła is planned as well as a walk along the crown of the Czerniańskie Lake dam (the place where Biała and Czarna Wisełka join).

Please find in attached of the Conference Invitation, the Application form for participants and the Guide for authors of a paper.

More detail information about conference you can find on the conference Web-site: www.dlcc.us.edu.pl

Thank you very much in advance for your interest in participating in the conferences. We are looking forward to meet you in this international scientific forum in October.


Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska

Coordinator of the DLCC2015 Conference

In behalf of the Organizational Conference Committee



[email protected], www.dlcc.us.edu.pl,

Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, dr hab., associate prof. – Coordinator of the conference

e-mail: [email protected]

Conference Organizing Committee:

Anna Porczyńska-Ciszewska, dr – Sekretarz konferencji, e-mail: [email protected]

Małgorzata Bortliczek dr, e-mail: [email protected]

Natalia Ruman dr, e-mail: [email protected]

Andrzej Szczurek mgr. inż., e-mail: [email protected]

Tel: (+ 48) 33-8546-113, (+ 48) 33-8546-224,

Fax: (+ 48) 33-8546-101 , Mobile: (+ 48) 608-655-386

The Faculty of Ethnology and Sciences of Education in Cieszyn, Bielska 62, 43-400 Cieszyn

University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice


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