Corruption is intensified in and after this health crisis; it is a good time to get a 'golden nose' by speculative and opaque gangs. The greater the fear and dilettantism, the more money can be 'earned'. Yes, it is a huge jackpot, with many undercurrents in the casino.
"The Golden Nose, also known as the Golden Nose of Robotnik, is a piece of solid gold jewellery shaped to look like Doctor Robotnik's iconic but not-so well liked nose and moustache."(
Interesting idea to get a golden nose... It would then make sense to say "I cut off my nose, not to spite my face, but to cash in my gold" :-)
Karl J. Matthews It is just a folk saying about the golden nose; congrats for your impressive contribution; it was a pleasure to learn about Doctor Robotnik.
The SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic has changed a lot in the economy and finances. Corruption occurs in various economic systems. However, corruption occurs to a greater extent in less efficient, ineffective economic systems. Currently, i.e. during the Coronavirus pandemic, corruption also occurs, but to a different extent and nature in individual economic systems. For example, in the field of granting subsidies to enterprises as part of anti-crisis state aid, there are many situations of extortion of these subsidies by dishonest entrepreneurs. The reason is the poorly developed system of control carried out by public institutions on grants and enterprises to which these grants have been awarded.
There has always been corruption with public procurement. The fact that the pandemic is dealing with many billions as a matter of urgency may present an opportunity for corrupt entrepreneurs and officials.
You mean the corruptions now going on, pandemic related to provisions, aids and veccines, Wil be revealed as issues, complains even worse violated or abused and even led to death, YEeesss.
The veccine already is already in corruption case, developed countries versus developing countries.
Poorers can't efford modera veccine (with good and high efficiency) already in profit making businesses.
Isolation also been causing domestic violence issues. Husbands been crying no chance of escaping mental tortures and forced into in-house in previous force marriages...
Corruption had been, is and will be prevalent part and parcel of life at all levels with all types. As to publications, need to scope on type of corruption and you can find plentiful and diverse publications as needed.
During the pandemic, the emission of currencies raised very much. It is not easy to close the gap between normal economic activities. on the other, many people feel the corruption before the illness.
I agree with Dr Teay Shawyun , corruption has always been, if we can be recording corruption during this trying times, post covid, it's most likely to be worse
In Brazil we already have a lot of diversion of public funds destined for Covid-19 by the federal government to the states of the republic. Of the 27 Brazilian states, 23 diverted public money for other purposes. Too bad. In other words, a lot of internal corruption. As for the economy, the problem is also serious: Brazil paying twice the price of the vaccine when purchased at the price of European countries and others. With our currency devalued against the dollar, we ended up paying at least 10 times more. Do the "rich" countries not understand that as long as this predatory model exists, the account for them will also be greater? We are researching on the topic in Brazil.
Sweden was wading in corruption up to the nose even before COVID crisis, I don't expect it to be anything better in the future. So yes I expect to see corruption.
We have already had a Covid related vaccine scandals here in Peru, with the diversion of test vaccine to non-trial people and recently non priority groups receiving access outside of the distribution guidelines here. I dont know of any publications on this topic yet
Francis Fukuyama is an author you can read about this subject, that is quite interesting. Although Fukuyama has become famous only because of his challenging book "The End of History", his writings are all very interesting ones, since he is a very clever minded author.
Este artículo está escrito por Camilo Centina y Carlos Santiso.
En 1959, John F. Kennedy afirmó en un discurso que la palabra crisis escrita en chino está compuesta por un carácter que representa la idea de peligro y otro que representa la idea de oportunidad. Y aunque dicha asociación ya ha sido calificada por expertos como engañosa e imprecisa, la actual crisis de COVID-19 tampoco ha escapado a esa construcción motivacional en medios y eventos refiriéndose a la aceleración digital, la salud pública, la educación a distancia, o la economía digital. Por ejemplo, Klaus Schwab, fundador del Foro Económico Mundial, aboga por un “gran reseteo” de nuestras sociedades, economías y gobiernos
To some extent, the pandemic has, aggrevated the appetite for self enrichment through ill gotten means. The world may need a new order with serious concentration
Corruption increase will not wait out the COVID-19 pandemic. It is here with it. People with cases claim there are no cases because because money is earmarked for prevention and reward states and countries who adhere to covid-19 protocols thus reducing cases in their societies. The ones without cases claim so much just to be compensated. Relief materials do not ever get to the poor and was a big problem in Nigeria as an aftermath of the endSars protest. people or groups of people are always looking to better their lot in the midst of crises to the detriment of the weak or unfavoured. It is very real. Corruption has spiked in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.
Due to loosing employment people are adopting corrupt practices in order to survive in Pendamic. Definitely if huge unemployment situation exists there are good chances of corruption after coronomic crisis.
Corruption, the abuse of public office for private gain, is about more than wasted money: it erodes the social contract and corrodes the government’s ability to help grow the economy in a way that benefits all citizens. Corruption was a problem before the crisis, but the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the importance of stronger governance
As communities around the world face an unprecedented global health crisis with the rapid spread of the coronavirus or COVID19 pandemic, our governments’ first priority should be promoting our health and safety. But extraordinary outbreaks like this one also tend to expose cracks in our health systems, highlighting potential risks and opportunities for corruption – corruption that may undermine the response to the pandemic and deprive people of health care.
Unfortunately, corruption often thrives during times of crisis, particularly when institutions and oversight are weak, and public trust is low. We’ve learned from previous global health emergencies, like the Ebola virus and swine flu, that even in times of crisis, there are those who aim to profit from others’ misfortune. Identifying these corruption risks before they happen can help strengthen our global response and get health care to those who need it most.
Due to corona economic crisis this virous created a big problems in industry, Trade, and agriculture sector, these problems lead to big loses and then unemployment. this will lead to corrupt practices in order to survive in Pandemic. so this situation create chances of corruption after corona crisis.
Corruption is a moral issue arising from moral depravity. During and post Covid 19 corruption possibilities are large. . 1st is in the licensing of the drug (who gets the lion's share). At No 2 is the mind boggling size of funds inflow-(financing) to overcome the crisis. To take an example-In US alone around 2.50 trillion was approved under special budgetary resources for federal agencies. How this would be allocated and used? take the The World bank which has already pledged to lend $160 billion on health care. Finally at No 3, I would say that the fast changing Government policies in many countries including India, in opening their economies to allow investors-possibly even the shady ones in the misplaced hope of kick starting their own provinces or bastions. And there are unconfirmed controversial issues also of certain governments pushing their own anti Covid-19 vaccines drugs as an alternative to global domination gambit.
Yes I agree. When the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic expires, the scale of economic corruption should decrease. For example, when it comes to granting anti-crisis subsidies to enterprises, I will be extorting these subsidies when the anti-crisis interventionist programs come to an end.
Yes there will chance of corruption after covid-crisis.The economic status of countries falling down due to heavey losses in trade and commerce.Covid crisis affects all the sectors of countries.More unempolyment will be happended which leads to increasing the poverty line.After covid crisis people want to recover their losses in different fields like agriculture,trade,industry,commerce,etc.To recover the losses they may reduce their quality of their product,more adulteration in food and other products will be also happened.Scams,crime,fraud,robbery,etc will be increased.All this leads to curruptions for the countries.
Yes, I support your view on this issue. You asked a key question. We will know the answer to this question in some time. As researchers and scientists in the field of economic issues, we can study these issues, we should pay attention to them and observe how it will be in this matter. Whether corruption will develop when the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic expires depends, among others, on on how the economic policy will be implemented, how effective the institutions of fiscal control and institutions established to control the compliance of business activities with legal regulations will be.
Yes, the COVID-19 crisis highlighted people, communities, and economies' vulnerabilities and called for a recapitalization of the organization of economic and social activity.