In November 2013 Iran and P5+1 Group negotiated plan of action to end the dispute over Iran's nuclear program. The plan included: limiting the number of elements of its nuclear program, unlock a small part of Iran's banking assets. The validity of the conditions of this plan was extended first in July and then in November 2014. According to the latest schedule of works: political agreement with Iran has to be negotiated in March 2015, while the comprehensive technical agreement to 30 June 2015. The available information indicates that Iran has already agreed to the reconstruction of the reactor in Arak (will be difficult to obtain plutonium). In Fordow and Natanzie Iran is still trying to keep many centrifuges, which can be used to enrich uranium to the level required for nuclear warhead. P5 + 1 Group is ready to continue negotiating the number of centrifuges, and also demand stricter IAEA inspection system to detect and warn speed up work on uranium enrichment. Unfortunately unclear is the length of validity of the definitive agreement.

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