Dear Shankhadeep, this is an interesting question. I have wondered about this, myself. Indeed it's great to notice that others, so geografically distant think as we do, at the point of repeating questions very similar to others that have already been posted.
(don't worry, when you gather 7 million heads to think on scientific problems, repatitions would be inevitable. Here's the link to the question I proposed, in December, where you'll find many answers that might reply to your question:
Thank you dear Maria for responding. May be it a repeat, I did not know. This might happen to others even they do not throw questions copying form others. But I would appreciate if you add your own answer dear Maria.
If possible Maria, add your feelings now here because lot of our friends will be able to see this. Isn't it?
It is virtually impossible to check if others have posted the same ideas, before constrructing a question that seems interesting.
As I said, it feels good to know that others think in the same way as we do, even if from far distance. It feels good.
Yes, I have been suffering from overtime in RG lately.
But I feel integrated in a virtual village of people that have similar thoughts and similar ways of reasoning, and this makes me feel safe, and comfortable, so I come back as often as I can.
The second reason I propose is that it is a very cheap way of establishing and maintaining interesting International contacts and help for our problems. I feel at home with you all !!!
The third reason is the evolution of technologies, that enables quick and easy contact anywhere throghout the day . I have the computer open in my office at the University, another laptop computer open during my medical practice, and the tablet at lunch time, or the few minutes I stop to work, and always interesting things and enthusiastic talks on my favorite subjects.
Do you need any more reasons?
Even if it is addictive and even if it is to be considered a sin, I think I'll keep coming back !
First of all I'm interesting on questions. In this way I can see where the research is directed. then I can find a lot of colleagues that are the same interest of me. In the other side is a authoritative site to ask questions.
In lieu of direct exchanges with the international academic community RG is valuable to me both emotionally and practically. Emotionally, RG provides the much needed intellectual stimulation and contact I often find lacking within my own local community. Practically speaking I can access articles which I can not find within my usual databases. Both ways I love it. This is like a Facebook for academics.
1) very productive & beneficial virtual brainstorming with all the SMEs in the world (SMEs are easily contactable & contents are available 24 x 7)
2) help me think outside the box when focusing on a research
3) see things never seen before after soliciting input from SMEs (mindset changed & paradigm shifted)
4) lonely research / PhD journey need not be lonely anymore (because you can access to a pool of SMEs related to your research area around the world)
5) understand better the authors that I had cited in my PhD thesis / articles i.e. you can approach them directly on any question / comment as well as understand better the development of their thought / trend in doing certain research.
6) I can contribute my knowledge / experience & helping others in solving their research problems / issues / questions.
Well, dear Shankhadeep, I devote to RG only the extra time I have. The core of my time is for my work and research. I come to RG just for fun, for relax.
I do no take some down-votes seriously: at all. Of course, I learn form time to time.
But in my own case, RG is left as an additional value, at the end of the day (sometimes, or from time to time). I like RG simply for fun.
We all are in RG to share and get ideas about local or global issues to have a different perspective or to solidify an idea we have in mind. To find a researcher of a particular topic for a collaboration work. Through RG we all come to know and feel how we are very close than far apart and how similar issues of society are across the globe. These things were not possible in the very near past where places were as distant as they look on the globe and information took long time to be where it was supposed to be.
Because it is the only platform to provide a basement for budding researchers. It allows a free scientific discussion between the researchers and peers of that area. Most of the times the discussion on some of the issues have an interdisciplinary approach. exchange of the data is of equally effective..
Along these years, it is fantastic how RG does contribute to make your publications available for others. The reads, comments, questions, and replies are simply perfect. To-date there is no other academic platform as good and singular as RG.
I believe I'm learning more here than I would have if I had enrolled in a formal program of graduate studies. It's like being in a virtual classroom with many of the leading scholars in the fields I'm interested in at the moment. The opportunity to share my work widely is another benefit.
I just hope ResearchGate doesn't go the way recently did, introducing a for-pay enhanced membership, after people trusted them to manage the fruits of their research.
I think the RG is the researcher's outlet for presenting his ideas and researches with researchers around the world, This is an opportunity not to be offset
Research gate is the researcher's window for the exchange of scientific information and the convergence of scientific ideas in all disciplines in the world.