In response to Robert, whilst I take your point that individuals have choice, and rightly so, dismissing e-learning as 'not for everyone' is (respectfully) short-sighted. Emerging technologies (which facilitate e-learning) are undeniably changing learning and whether student or educator we need to adapt. Often individuals choose what they are comfortable with, but it is only when we are challenged that learning can really take place. As with most things, we fear what we don't know. E-learning covers a wide spectrum of methods/strategies - blended learning, the use of audio and visual technologies, as well as distance learning. Digital literacy is necessary for today's world and if we are not providing the opportunity for students to develop those skills their learning will not be complete.
In geography we learn that remote sensing survey is not complete without ground checking by human observer. Thus machine can not totally take place of a human teacher. But digital environment helps us a lot. Today sometimes we convey any of our instruction to our students both under graduate and post graduate by Whats' App group. Or we can upload the study material in the college website or simply in the classroom computer. Thus much money is saved.
It seems that some of the respondents equate e-learning only with distance learning and thereby think of it as dichotomous. It isn't. Although there are concerns about lack of face to face contact, which I agree is important in building professional relationships of trust, distance learning need not be 'faceless' or contactless. Skyping students is one acceptable method of having f2f tutorials.
As I mentioned in my earlier response, we live in a digital age which, whether we like it or not, is impacting upon learning. Something to consider, have students ever said 'lectures don't work for me, so I'm not learning that way?' Was there a choice? We have to move with the times.
I have a problem with the "compulsory" idea. I don't see why it should be that way. E-Learning has a series of advantages, but in my view, in higher education, it is generally a complement for the usual face-to-face learning experience.
Distance learning courses can apply E-Learning as the main instruction environment and face-to-face communication as a necessary but sporadic instance.
But the classic university curriculum does not need to give up the advantages of the personal relationship teacher-student.
E-Learning should be mainly used to enrich that personal experience, not to replace it.
Technology is essential in all domains and of course also in learning and education. Universities normally include scientific research and transference of knowledge and must be always in the front line of the development. Compulsory must be the scientific competency of the scientific frames and bodies of any educational institution.
It is counterproductive to make it mandatory. Nothing can replace best teacher on earth. Yes, e-learning should be used as a self learning component in the curriculum. There may be one or two such courses.
Considero que todavía debemos ir perfeccionando los estilos, pero mientras tanto las universidades deberían tener planes de estudio donde los estudiantes puedan seleccionar algunas asignaturas con la modalidad on-line, mientras que también pueden seleccionar algunas asignaturas de manera presencial.
Todavia existen algunos centros universitarios que suben la rigurosidad académica de los cursos universitarios y por eso prefieren la presencial, pero si mejoramos los estándares académicos como lo hacemos en la modalidad on-line, tal vez la situacion seria diferente. en un mundo ideal, los estudiantes deberían leer al menos 2 o 3 libros de su especialidad por curso o mas; pero en el mundo real no se lee ni 100 páginas de su especialidad, las universidades debemos enseñar a los estudiantes a disfrutar la lectura de documentos paper, de su especialidad, y escribir ensayos académicos.
HOW? technology !!!!!so everything is going online ,soon we shall be eating online,sleeping online ,since we now even work ,marry online ,we shall have kids online and so we can only teach them online