Dear Experts,
I am working on RT-PCR analysis on arabidopsis genes. I notice that recently when i isolate RNA and convert it to cDNA, some sample give no/low amplification of housekeeping gene.
First of all, i isolate total seedling grown on MS plates using Qiazen qiazol lysis reagent. Finally i check on nanodrop and i get average 2000ng/ul RNA with nearly 2.0 of 260/280 ratio and 1.4 of 260/230 ratio. Then i convert 3ug-5ug of RNA to cDNA using invitrogen M-MLV reverse transcriptase and perform RT-PCR using UBQ10 gene as internal control to check my cDNA quality. Some sample gives a good amplification while some of it give a low/no ampification. I did realized of RNAse contamination issue thus i changed all compenent and run RNA directly on agarose gel on both samples with good/bad amplification. RNA bands are all visible and looks similar between both.
Do any of you have similar issues and know to solve it?Thank you very much for help!!