
I extracted total cellular RNA from HEK293T cells by using a commercial kit. I left samples untreated or treated with 2ul RNaseA/T1 mixture (invitrogen) in the presence of PBS or protein lysis buffer NP40 (because I will use RNase in the presence of lysis buffer later). The labels of shared gel pic are as follows:

1) 1kb NEB DNA ladder

2) 500ng total RNA

3) 500ng total RNA incubated at 37C for 30min in the presence of water (untreated)

4) 500ng total RNA incubated at 37C for 30min in the presence of 1X PBS (treated)

5) 500ng total RNA incubated at 37C for 30min in the presence of lysis buffer (treated)

6) 100bp Promega Benchtop DNA ladder

1) Why there is only one thick band in 2 and 3 but no band or smear in 4? Why there is a band shift in 5?

I ran non-denaturing 1% agarose gel in TAE buffer at 30V.

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