Hi , I’m trying to model air enter high velocity from a pipe into the big rectanngle box and outlet is small nozzles from the top side of the retangle box.

My boundary conditions for velocity as below



type flowRateInletVelocity;

volumetricFlowRate 0.1;

value uniform (0 0 0);




type inletOutlet;

inletValue uniform (0 0 0);

value uniform (0 0 0);


and for Pressure

internalField uniform 25000;





type fixedFluxPressure;

value uniform 45000;




type totalPressure;

p0 uniform 25000;

U U;

phi phi;

rho none;

psi none;

gamma 1.4;

value uniform 25000;


1st doubt

1)Expected velocity is at outlet of nozzle is 200 m/s (because the diameter is nozzle is 12.5mm), I’m acheiving close to this velocity but the issue is while checking in paraview p shows 25000. According to total pressure boundary condition p0 should be fixed right, then pressure at the outlet should be p=p0-(0.5*density*U2)=25000-(0.5*1*200^2)=20000, instead in paraview the value is fixed to 25000. Can you explain on it?

2nd doubt

2) For Pressure at inlet I’m using fixedfluxpressure, the pressure at inlet raises 2e5. I’m not sure how the pressure raises to 2e5 and velocity is only 22 m/s. If I try to balance based on Bernoulli equation, then also it is not balancing, Can you please explain it?

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