Hello everybody. In our institution we routinely prepare C-11 methionine radiopharmaceutical. Recently after the synthesis we obtained the excess of pH value (pH=9,5) in final sterile solition of C-11 methionine. Normally it should be in the range 4,5-8,5. Can anybody suggest the reason if this?
The only source of OH- ions we have is water-ethanol (60:40) solution of NaOH which used to dissolve the precursor of methionine. After the dissolution of precursor we put an aliquot of 0,3 ml onto solid-phase extraction cartridge Sep-Pak C18 plus (Waters). The last step of radiosynthesis of C-11 methionine is on-column methylation on Sep-Pak C18. After this we elute the radiotracer from cartridge by 0,1M NaH2PO4 solution (7 ml).