08 August 2018 0 5K Report

I'm trying to detect the expression of cleaved caspase3 in mouse brain by western blot. Basically, my protocol is as followings:

1, lysis buffer: RIPA (ThermoFisher Science)

2, 50ug protein was loaded

3, 15% SDS-GAGE polyacrylamide gel

4, PVDF membrane

5, transfer: ice cold, 10%mathonal, 100V * 1hour

6, 5% non-milk blocking

7, primary antibody: anti-caspase 3, Bioscience, diluted to 1:500

But the cleaved caspase3 can't be detected.

By the way, LC3I has never been detected using the same protocol.

Can anyone give me any suggestion? Thank you!

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