dcm2nii does convert from DICOM to NIFTI-1 format. It may be that you have something in your DICOM file that causes a problem. dcm2nii works with most imaging manufacturers but the DICOM format is fluid and can have lots of additions depending on the imaging modality and the instrument manufacturer. An alternative way to convert DICOM to NIFTI-1 is to use the ImageJ follow on application FIJI. It is available at http://fiji.sc/ and runs on any operating system that runs JAVA. Use Fiji to import your DICOM data and write it out as NIFTI-1. That will solve your issue.
Note that dcm2niigui warns you that you should consider using dcm2niix for modern datasets. You can use dcm2niix from the command line, or use the graphical interface in MRIcroGL (Import/ConvertForeignToNIfTI). While dcm2niigui is great for archival datasets, the vendors have developed new variations of DICOM since it was released.