At first when I started colony cloning a 270 BP insert into 5677 BP vector( pet sumo adapt) I had a lot of problems in confirming my positive clone using colony pcr.

I did colony pcr with t7 promoter and terminator but all colonies gave the same size band as that of the vector . So I assumed all of them are empty vectors still i was a bit sceptical because i had tried it a number of times and with everything possible I could with all the control .

today I just tried a colony pcr with the gene specific primers ( the one that I Initially used to amplity the insert). lane one is just digestion of the plasmid prep from ligation plate with bamh1 and bsa1.( don’t see any 270bp band)

whereas the last 3 wells show me a band at 270 when pcr with gene specific primer .

there is also some band just below the well , and I don’t know what it is, is it the genomic dna amplification ?

how is it possible then t7 failed to show me a positive clone in the sense that vector and assumed insert had the same size amplification on gel but somehow I see a band with gene specific primer . How is it possible .? Also what could be that extra band right below the gel comb

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