I am facing another problem during my protein purification. I purify a 120 kDa protein which is overexpressed in pichia pastoris. The protein is His-tagged (C-terminus) and FLAG-tagged (N-terminus). To concentrate the sample volume and to get rid of some protein contaminants, I wanted to perform ammonium sulfate precipitation. The precipitation itself works perfectly. I started with a total protein concentration of 20 mg/ml and a volume of 50 ml after cell lysis and precipitated all of my protein (proved by Western Blot and Coomassie gel) by adding AS powder (I ground it before use in a mortar) to 30% saturation over 10 min. Before harvesting the protein pellet, I let the solution stir overnight at 4°C. I then wanted to continue the purification with Ni-NTA and therefore resuspended the protein pellet in 5 ml (1/10th of the original volume) sodium-phosphate buffer pH 8 (50 mM sodium dihydrogen phosphate, 1 M NaCl). The pellet didn't dissolve. The literature says, that there might be significant amounts of AS left in the precipitate and it should be dialysed out to get the protein back into solution. So I dialysed the 5 ml (dialysis tubing 12 kDa cutoff) against the loading buffer in three steps: 1L for 2h (RT), 1L for 4 h (RT) and 2L o/n (4°C). The next day the protein slurry was still not solubilized. As I wanted to continue my work I took the precipitate and diluted it step by step in 8M Urea buffer (8M urea, 50 mM sodium dihydrogen phosphate, 1 M NaCl, pH8) until the solution got clear. This happened at a volume of roughly 40 ml. Still there was some insoluble precipitate left after centrifugation of the "clear" 40 ml solution, which also contained my protein of interest to some degree (as seen on WB).
So finally I ended up at a volume nearly the starting volume before AS-precipitation, which was definitely not the goal.
The main question is: why did my protein not re-solubilize? Was there anything wrong with the protocol? Any suggestions on how to better re-solubilize the protein?
By the way the protein didn't really bind to the Ni-NTA resin. But that also happened without the initial AS precipitation (see my other question).