06 February 2020 2 289 Report

I'm doing my research on moss and right now i'm doing dna extraction from moss sample. I use the Qiagen Dneasy plant mini kit but i didn't get any result. I don't know what i do wrong. I thought there might be problem with the grinding process, because in the protocol, the instruction is :

- Place the sample material (≤100 mg wet weight or ≤20 mg lyophilized tissue) into a 2 ml safe-lock microcentrifuge tube, together with a 3 mm tungsten carbide bead.

- Freeze the tubes in liquid nitrogen for 30 s. Place the tubes into the TissueLyser Adapter Set 2 x 24, and fix into the clamps of the TissueLyser.

-Immediately grind the samples for 1 min at 30 Hz.

- Disassemble the adaptor set, remove the tubes, and refreeze in liquid nitrogen for 30 s.

When using lyophilized tissue, the tubes do not need to be frozen in liquid nitrogen.

- Repeat step 4, reversing the position of the tubes within the adaptor set. Proceed

immediately to step 7.

But, at first, i only have tissuelyser machine, so i just grind the sample with the lysis buffer using the tissuelyser machine. The liquid nitrogen just arrived today. But, i did not know to carry out the supposed procedure above. How am i supposed to freeze the tube in liquid nitrogen? Hope someone can help me with this because this is my first time doing dna extraction

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