hello everyone,

I have a results for interaction between miRNA – lncRNAs and interaction between mRNA- lncRNA. I want to draw network in cytosape but faced error such as (Gene identifier Error, no gene identifier could be found with your selection # automatic# .I used transcript id for sheep like TCONSxxxxxx. If anyone can help me to create input file or the network I will appreciate his time and I hope to learn more from his responses

Thank you in advance!

saad betti

my input files like:

Novel interonic transcripts (query) mRNAs ( target)

TCONS_00068699 ENSOART00000019592, ENSOART00000019687

TCONS_00058864 ENSOART00000018173,ENSOART00000002211

TCONS_00049806 ENSOART00000020532, ENSOART00000005590, ENSOART00000008281

TCONS_00039910 ENSOART00000017507, ENSOART00000000042

No. Novel intergenic Transcripts miRNAs detected in sheep skeletal muscle

1.TCONS_00032891 miR-221

2.TCONS_00038667 miR-412

3.TCONS_00040327 miR-432 miR-21

4.TCONS_00044414 miR-432

5.TCONS_00047958 miR-29a

6.TCONS_00052750 miR-125b

7. TCONS_00069211 miR-299

8.TCONS_00031990 miR-362

9.TCONS_00032133 miR-21

10. TCONS_00032134 miR-21

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