Domain decomposition in space has diverse approaches for optimal load balancing to simulate massive CFD problem in parallel. However, the time-evolution being serial seems to be a very big restraint in the run-time of the simulations.

I understand, that if we have time parallelism we have a matrix in front of the du/dt vector, which we need to invert. Are there any studies where this matrix inversion has been done in parallel ?

A Lawrence Livermore study reflects that a parallel multigrid solver has been implemented:

# But, then the question is why are there so limited studies?

# What was the real bottleneck? Was it stability ? Not good schemes developed? I do not seem to grasp that.

#And why has been time parallelism been ignored completely in most CFD books?

PS: For statistically stationary turbulent flows where there are spatial symmetries, there are cunning ways to generate multiple snapshots after a simulation is complete. That may work for the mean calculation (it essentially does the job of time-parallelism, i.e. quicker data generation but it is not time-parallel) but may potentially inject artificiality to turbulent structures when doing conditional average/spectra.

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